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Traduzione - Cinese-Inglese - 半年之上的加班作废。

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Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: CineseInglese

Categoria Frase - Affari / Lavoro

Aggiunto da Oana F.
Lingua originale: Cinese


Overtime of over half a year is void.

Tradotto da lailaash
Lingua di destinazione: Inglese

Overtime of over half a year is void.
Ultima convalida o modifica di lilian canale - 13 Giugno 2011 14:26

Ultimi messaggi


18 Febbraio 2011 11:31

Numero di messaggi: 2747
Hi lailaash

I've set a poll


18 Febbraio 2011 12:05

Oana F.
Numero di messaggi: 388
Hi. That was what I understood, too, that: it is forbiden to do overtime work more than half of year in a year. But what I didn't understand is if 半年之上的加班, overtime work of over half year, means more than 6 months of overtime work, how can this be possible? Please, lailaash, help me again. The entire frase is: 2008年4月至2009年10月原告填写的调休申请表及年假申请表,其中调休申请表有23,5天调休,被告陈述,被告考勤制度的规定,半年之上的加班作废。Thanks a lot

18 Febbraio 2011 16:18

Numero di messaggi: 11
Well, it's not explicitly clear from the text, but I imagine what it refers to is that the company policy allows employees to somehow apply overtime towards their vacation time, but only overtime completed in the past 6 months counts. Overtime completed over 6 months ago is thus void.

18 Febbraio 2011 16:29

Numero di messaggi: 2747
Hi girls

In that case, maybe we should put

"Overtime over half a year old is void."

What do you think?


18 Febbraio 2011 16:46

Numero di messaggi: 11
We could. Again, it's not explicit in the text, but it's my best educated guess.

18 Febbraio 2011 18:02

Oana F.
Numero di messaggi: 388
Yes, it is not clear, that's why I posted it here. I'm sorry, but I still don't understand. It refears to the fact that it is possible to apply for overtime work only in the first 6 months of a year, or what?

19 Febbraio 2011 16:19

Numero di messaggi: 2102
Oana, dacă am înţeles eu bine, nu poţi să lucrezi overtime mai mult de o jumătate de an în decursul unui an. Ceea ce nu prea are foarte mult sens, dar asta spune textul în engleză.

19 Febbraio 2011 16:34

Numero di messaggi: 1263
I think it's:

More than half a year's overtime work will not be paid.

It must be a neglected employee who is complaining about its unfair experience.

19 Febbraio 2011 16:48

Numero di messaggi: 1263
More than half a year's OT work will be not paid.

19 Febbraio 2011 16:56

Numero di messaggi: 11
Oana, this goes far beyond a simple translation of the text, but an explanation of the relationship between overtime and vacation time might help you understand this phrase.

In China, companies may have different policies when it comes to compensating employees for overtime. Some companies simply pay employees an overtime wage. Other companies do not pay extra for overtime, but allow employees to gain vacation time in proportion to the overtime work they performed. (For example, if you do 2 hours of overtime work, you can earn 1 hour of vacation time.) However, companies don't want employees to store up this vacation time indefinitely and then use it in one big chunk, so they force employees to use the vacation time by setting a deadline. In your case, the company rules state that vacation time earned through overtime work has to be used within 6 months of completing the overtime, otherwise it is void. Does that make sense?

19 Febbraio 2011 17:16

Numero di messaggi: 1263
Oh, thanks laila!
Oana is confused about the OT computation.
The "over half a year" is a time span of duties,
in which, OT is included.

To clarify this, in consideration of the context "2008年4月至2009年10月原告填写的调休申请表及年假申请表,其中调休申请表有23,5天调休,被告陈述,被告考勤制度的规定,半年之上的加班作废。" the text can be translated into: His OT during that period is invalidated.

And the whole context can be made in this way:
In the Plaintiff's OT-for-leave application and annual leave application forms from April 2008 to October 2009, there were 23 days and a half leave already taken, so the Plaintiff is told that, according to the attendance system, his OT workload during that period is invalidated, or his credit for swap or pay is consumed up.

19 Febbraio 2011 17:32

Oana F.
Numero di messaggi: 388
when I come back later, I will read carefully what you wrote, guys, and I will tell you my opinion. Thank you very much.

19 Febbraio 2011 17:44

Numero di messaggi: 2747
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for your input

Oana, I think this is what it means: if someone normally works 35 hours a week and during 6 months they do 70 hours a week, they have done 6 months of overtime. If they do any more overtime they will not be compensated (neither by extra pay nor by time off).


20 Febbraio 2011 06:41

Numero di messaggi: 11
I'm sorry, Tantine, I disagree. Although the text itself could theoretically be interpreted that way, it is not at all standard practice, and it does not really tie in to the first part of the sentence. I still maintain that the meaning is as follows: Overtime accumulated over 6 months ago is expired and cannot be translated into vacation time.

Again, I cannot be 100% sure because of the limited context. If the accuracy of this translation is very important to you, please post several more sentences ahead of the sentence that you have already provided.

20 Febbraio 2011 08:30

Numero di messaggi: 2747
ah ok thanks for the precsion lailaash, sometimes texts are very complicated

21 Febbraio 2011 09:20

Oana F.
Numero di messaggi: 388
I think I understood. Actually, it was my mistake not posting from the begining the whole text. So the translation can be like this: the overtime work not done within a period of 6 months is void. I was confused about 之上. It seems that actually, here 之上 is the opposite of 之内, true?

21 Febbraio 2011 10:59

Numero di messaggi: 11
In this context, yes, 之上 can be interpreted as the opposite of 之内.

21 Febbraio 2011 11:29

Oana F.
Numero di messaggi: 388
Thank you, lailaash.
Tantine, I think you can validate lailaash'translation. Thank you all.

21 Febbraio 2011 12:36

Numero di messaggi: 1263
之上 may be simply ...on..., ... over ...
以上is definitely ... above..., ... beyond...
And it is really interesting that even in English, the two words are ambiguous, think "over" and "above", or even single "over".

And my point on/over this 之上 is that it is just as simple as "of/in".