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תרגום - גרמנית-אנגלית - Du wirst dich sicher wundern, dass ich mich melde ...

מצב נוכחיתרגום
הטקסט נגיש בשפות הבאות: גרמניתאנגליתפרסית

Du wirst dich sicher wundern, dass ich mich melde ...
נשלח על ידי ina_
שפת המקור: גרמנית

Du wirst dich sicher wundern, dass ich mich melde, habe diese Adresse beim Aufräumen gefunden. Ich wünsche Dir ein frohes Weihnachtsfest u. ein tolles neues Jahr. Ich will im nächsten Jahr nach Bulgarien, aber mag diese großen Hotels am Meer überhaupt nicht. Hast Du Adressen von privaten Vermietern am Meer? Schreibe mir doch bitte.
הערות לגבי התרגום
This is the edited version. Here is the original:

du wirst dich sichen wunders.dass ich mich melde,hase diese Adresse beim aufraumes gefunden.Ich wunsde Dir eis Frohes Weihnachtsfest u. ein folles neue Jahr.Ich will im nachsten Jahr nach Bulgaries ,aser mag diese grosen Hotels am Meer uber naupt nicht.Hast Du Adresses con privates Vermiefers am Meer.Schreibe mir doch bitte.

You will certainly be surprised

תורגם על ידי smithy4mcavan
שפת המטרה: אנגלית

You will certainly be surprised that I contacted you. I found this address while I was cleaning up. I wish you a happy Christmas and a great New Year. I want to travel to Bulgaria next year, but I don't like these big hotels by the sea at all. Do you have any addresses for private renters by the sea ? Please write to me,
אושר לאחרונה ע"י kafetzou - 19 ינואר 2008 00:28

הודעה אחרונה


16 ינואר 2008 15:52

מספר הודעות: 7963
Hello, smithy4mcavan, could you please read the discussion under the rejected translation and edit your translation accordingly? Thanks!

16 ינואר 2008 18:09

מספר הודעות: 6
Hi kafetzou , Sorry but by discussion do you mean your message here
i.e: starting with "iamfromaustria, meinst dass das so lauten sollte?" ?

Sorry, I'm new to this site and not quite sure,Thanks!

16 ינואר 2008 18:26

מספר הודעות: 7963
No, that one is under the original German text. Click on the Union Jack near the top of this page where it says "rejected translations".

16 ינואר 2008 18:52

מספר הודעות: 6
Hi kafetzou, i cant find any "rejected translations" anywhere ? I think my translation was accepted? I think the translation is nearly 100% anyway?Thanks,

16 ינואר 2008 18:54

מספר הודעות: 7963
dramati, why did you accept this?? I was working with this translator. Please try not to undermine what other experts are doing.

CC: dramati

16 ינואר 2008 18:56

מספר הודעות: 7963
I have "un-accepted" it, because it still needs work. smithy4mcavan, can you see the German flag in a circle and the two union jacks near the top of this page? If so, one of them is beside the words "rejected translations". You should be able to click on that. If not, try clicking here.

16 ינואר 2008 19:05

casper tavernello
מספר הודעות: 5057
Kafetzou: regular members can not see the rejected ones unless you give them an URL/link.

16 ינואר 2008 19:27

מספר הודעות: 6
Thanks casper tavernello , I couldn't find the link anywhere! By the way kafetzou , could i ask what you think is wrong with the translation? Thanks guys,

16 ינואר 2008 21:18

מספר הודעות: 972
Sorry about accepting this, I didn't see any indication that you were working with this translator. It seems that this is a re-translation of something that was formerly rejected and I didn't notice your involvement with it. Had it been made clear to me I wouldn't have touched it. We have to do something about this in order to avoid things like this in future.

16 ינואר 2008 21:21

מספר הודעות: 7963
It's simple, dramati. Before you accept a translation please check to see if there are comments under it. That should do the trick.

16 ינואר 2008 21:23

מספר הודעות: 7963
Ah - sorry, smithy4mcavan - I didn't realize you couldn't see the flag. Anyway, I did send you a link in my message above (16 January 2008 18:56) - just click on the green text that says "here".

P.S. Thanks, Casper!

16 ינואר 2008 21:23

מספר הודעות: 972
Actually I did. There must be a lag between my looking at the translation and seeing comments. Maybe the problem is with our Israeli server.



17 ינואר 2008 08:43

מספר הודעות: 972
Actually I think this line is awkward in English:
Do you have any addresses for private landlords by the sea ?

I would substitute landlords for rentals or renters. A person only becomes a landlord AFTER the rental contract is signed. Until then he is a renter of property and the property is a rental property (room, or whatever).

17 ינואר 2008 17:02

מספר הודעות: 7963
I think the whole thing is awkward, which is why I was trying to work with the translator, dramati. Please read my comments under the rejected version here.

Let's give him another day to edit his translation, and then if he doesn't I'll reject it and submit mine.

17 ינואר 2008 17:08

מספר הודעות: 7963
smithy4mcavan, I have edited the original to what it was probably supposed to be (my interpretation with iamfromaustria's corrections). You can still see the original in the comments field. Please edit your translation according to this and my comments at the link I gave you.