Hi mirabilia!

I can translate from English into French quite well, but my Italian is very bad, I can understand it not too bad, but when it's about expressing myself in this language, I always miss simple and elementary grammatical bases. I didn't learn Italian, I've only got a few bases in Latin that let Latin languages be more accessible than other families of languages. But my spoken Italian is miserable (pathetic!)

Would you understand a French version better than an English one? Here's one :
"Je veux te remercier sincèrement pour ton travail.
Qu'y-a t'il de plus merveilleux que d'unir les cœurs des hommes et de les aider à se trouver dans ce vaste monde?
Merci de ton soutien et de ta compréhension. Sans vouloir trop anticiper, je pense avoir trouvé en ce monde l'autre moitié de moi-même et son nom. Cela aurait été impossible sans ton aide. Je t'en suis extrêmement reconnaissante.
Avec toute ma gratitude et mon infini respect."
This is not a literal translation though
Have a nice and

ny Sunday too!
Edit : oh? forgot to tell : I translated from the English version, not from the Russian one. As my Russian is worse again than my Italian, and reduced to avery few words and expressions