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Prevođenje - Turski-Engleski - aramalar hakkında

Trenutni statusPrevođenje
Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: TurskiEngleski

Kategorija Izraz - Znanost

aramalar hakkında
Poslao garanbo
Izvorni jezik: Turski

Bize gönderdiğiniz Turcell yönüne olan çağrılarınızı lütfen aşağıdaki formatta gönderip deneyiniz ve sonucu bildiriniz.

Turkcell yönüne doğru olan çağrılarınızın CLI bilgisinin başına 000 ekleyiniz.

Orjinal : 1613XXXXXXX
DeÄŸiÅŸmiÅŸ : 0001613XXXXXXX

About the calls

Preveo azizdida
Ciljni jezik: Engleski

Please try resending the calls that you have sent to Turcell in the format given below and inform us about the result.
Add 000 before any CLI information for your calls to Turkcell.
Orginal : 1613XXXXXXX
Modified :
Posljednji potvrdio i uredio Lein - 21 veljača 2011 11:13

Najnovije poruke


16 veljača 2011 13:08

Broj poruka: 3389
Hi azazdida

I don't speak Turkish; one of my tasks here is to make sure the English sounds ok and is gramatically correct. I have just a few remarks / questions about your translation:

- you've -> you have (more official)
- sent/diverted: please choose one option. If necessary, give the other option in the remarks section.
- tu -> to (typo )
- I assume 'us' and 'Turcell' refer to the same people? That is the way it reads at the moment, but 'to us at Turcell' sounds like a more natural way of saying this. Or perhaps you could leave 'us' out altogether.
- The structure of the sentence is a bit awkward in English. How about my suggestion below? Does that change the meaning at all?

Please try resending the calls that you have sent to Turcell in the given format and inform us about the result.

Then the second sentence: this would sound more natural if you make it:

Add 000 before any CLI information for your calls to Turkcell.

Please let me know what you think of my suggestions If you agree, you can edit your translation before I set a poll to ask others what they think.

16 veljača 2011 13:10

Broj poruka: 3389
No reply so I will edit as I have suggested above.

Translation before edits:

The calls that you've sent/diverted tu us toward Turcell, please try sending in the given format and inform us about the result.
Add 000 before CLI information for your calls to Turkcell.
Orginal : 1613XXXXXXX
Modified :

16 veljača 2011 19:57

Broj poruka: 3769
in the given format ...> in the below given format

18 veljača 2011 22:30

Broj poruka: 5
Please try remaking the calls that you have sent to Turcell in the given format and inform us about the result.
Add 000 before any CLI information for your calls to Turkcell.
Orginal : 1613XXXXXXX
Modified :

19 veljača 2011 02:01

Broj poruka: 12396
azizdida, please click on "[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]" and paste your text in the frame, thank you!