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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish merheba brenda, tesekurler ederin... çok guzel
merheba brenda, tesekurler ederin...
çok guzel
merheba brenda, tesekurler ederin...
çok guzel

Completed translations
Spanish Hola Brenda, te agradezco... Es muy bueno.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Bulgarian Мебелно прозводство Извършване на...
Мебелно прозводство
Извършване на инвентаризация, заявка и приемане на стока, обслужване на клиенти, подготовка и сервиране на напитки и коктейли, работа с касов апарат, опаковане, отстраняване на дефекти

Смятам, че с придобития професионален опит и лъчезарното си излъчване ще допринеса за задоволяването на вашите желания. Винаги съм работил с млад екип от хора и това е сферата, в която имам желание да се развивам. Коректен и отговорен към работата си, обичам да запълвам времето си пълноценно.

Completed translations
English Furniture production
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Serbian predomislio sam se pizdo znala...
predomislio sam se

pizdo znala sam.... LEPOTO MOGA SNA Ljube te puno Kruna i

Completed translations
Dutch Ik ben van gedachte veranderd, kutwijf ik wist het wel...
English I've changed my mind
Source language
French Mon amour je t'écris aujourd'hui ...
Mon amour
je t'écris aujourd'hui pour te souhaiter une bonne fête de la Saint Valentin et pour te dire combien je t'aime. Cela fait maintenant 9 mois
que nous sommes ensemble et ce n'est que du bonheur.
J'espère que l' avenir va nous réserver beaucoup de chance et qu'un jour nous allons pouvoir vivre notre amour librement avec nos enfants et nos familles.

je t'aime
une petite aide pour la st valentin.....merci

Completed translations
Turkish sevgiliye mektup
Source language
English I dont know.
life is like a movie and i loveee movies, and i love all the roles in it except my role.

Completed translations
Turkish Flimler
Source language
Spanish Usted es brasileño, de qué parte de Brasil es?
Usted es brasileño, de qué parte de Brasil es?
Text corrected, diacritics edited <Lilian>

Completed translations
Brazilian Portuguese O senhor é brasileiro, de qual parte do Brasil é?
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Latin Ad Deum que leatificat juventutem meam
Ad Deum que leatificat juventutem meam

Completed translations
Brazilian Portuguese Para Deus que alegra a minha juventude
Source language
Spanish Hola mi amor.
Hola mi amor. Sólo paso a decirte que te amo y te adoro mucho. Que eres lo mejor que me pasó. Que estás super hermosa y que te amo y no pienso dejarte nunca. Me gustaría que fueras mi esposa. Te amo, M. F.
Diacritics edited <Lilian>
M.F = female name (addressee).

Completed translations
Brazilian Portuguese Oi, meu amor.
Portuguese Olá, meu amor.
Source language
Danish jeg er helt kanon
jeg er helt kanon

Completed translations
Brazilian Portuguese Eu sou demais
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
German Da sieht er einen alten Karton auf dem...
Da sieht er einen alten Karton auf dem Schrank:Müller holt einen Stuhl aus der Küche und klettert mühsam auf den Stuhl.
türkçeye çevirirseniz sevininirim şididen saolun.

Completed translations
Turkish Müller
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian ora vado a pulire la mia cameretta, ci sentiamo...
ora vado a pulire la mia cameretta, ci sentiamo la prossima volta

Completed translations
Turkish şimdi odamı temizlemeye gidiyorum........
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian C'è stato un imprevisto nel forum qualcuno ha...
C'è stato un imprevisto nel forum qualcuno ha cancellato la casa della libertà solo io e Brizio9 possiamo modificare il forum ma non è detto chenon ci dovete andare ciao e Buon Travian

Completed translations
Turkish forumda beklenmedik bir durum oldu....
Source language
Turkish iyi rüyalar baharımın hiç solmayan gülü
iyi rüyalar baharımın hiç solmayan gülü
traduire en français de France. c est un sms

Edits done according to turkishmiss notif. /pias 090213.
Original-request: "Iyi rüyalar baharımım hiç solmaya gülüm"

Completed translations
French Fais de beaux rêves rose de mon printemps qui ne fane jamais.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian buona nota a scuola? sono contento ...
buona nota a scuola? sono contento per te, ma tu sei di ro:? un bacio, apresto
<edit-> "bouna" with "buona"</edit> (02/12/francky)

Completed translations
French Bonne note à l'école ? Je suis content...
Source language
Ukrainian я люблю тебе
я люблю тебе

Completed translations
French Je t'aime
Source language
Italian Maria Liuzzi è stata chiamata a presentare nella...
Maria Liuzzi è stata chiamata a presentare nella città di Bari tre prestigiosi concerti.I conceri tenuti al Teatro Piccini sono stati anche trasmessi in televisione al TG Norba. Il Gospel Festival ha avuto molto succcesso.

Completed translations
French M. L. a été sollicitée pour présenter...
Source language
Arabic اقسم بالله اني لا اعرف اللغة التركية وانما انا اخد...
اقسم بالله اني لا اعرف اللغة التركية وانما انا اخد النص من الويب وانسخه وابعته لك

Completed translations
Turkish vallahi Türkçe bilmiyorum...
French Je te jure je ne connais pas le turc,...
Italian Ti giuro che non conosco il turco......
Source language
Italian in questa sezione del sito trovate l'archivio...
in questa sezione del sito trovate l'archivio delle notizie riguardanti M. L.
Female name abbreviated <goncin />.

Completed translations
French Dans cette section du site se trouve le dossier...
Source language
German Aphorismus 52
Wenn die Menschen keine Möglichkeit haben,
sich zu entfalten,
stagniert die Gesellschaft.
Fransösisch aus Frankreich

Completed translations
English Aphorism 52
French Aphorisme 52
Italian Aforisma 52
Russian Афоризм 52
Spanish Cuando las personas no tienen...
Croatian Ako ljudi nemaju
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