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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Bulgarian az iskam da sum sus teb edinstveno ne mi...
az iskam da sum sus teb edinstveno ne mi haresvatova 4e ne se razbirame no sviknah i sus tova zatova ostavam poveche vreme v santorini...zaradi teb nadqvam se da go oceni6 a ne da me ostavqsh sama i da si trugvash pred ochite mi bez dori i da me pregurnesh....razbirash li me????
dn exw kamia gt oute egw 3r t leei k 8elw ean gnt na m peite sas parakalw

Completed translations
Greek Θέλω να είμαι μαζί σου το μοναδικό ...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Swedish Jag älskar honom
Jag älskar honom
jag är kär i honom

Edited "han" with "honom" /pias 091003.

Completed translations
Spanish Yo lo quiero.
Mongolian Би тvvнд хайртай
Source language
Turkish Kolay gelsin ! Başarılar dilerim. Kaçıncı...
Kolay gelsin ! Başarılar dilerim.
Kaçıncı sınıfa gidiyorsun? Derslerin nasıl?
Bu sıralar hangi şarkıyı dinliyorsun?
teşekkür ederim:)

Completed translations
Brazilian Portuguese Vai dar tudo certo, boa sorte!
Spanish Va a salir todo bien
English I hope it's going smoothly.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Brazilian Portuguese Querido, agora entendi sua ...
Querido, agora entendi por que estava ocupado, desculpe por minha preocupação. Este final de semana estarei com meu notebook. Eu também me sinto como uma adolescente. Estou apaixonada por um homem misterioso!!!
Hoje pela manhã, não pude atender sua ligação no celular, me perdoe!
Beijo grande no coração.

Completed translations
Spanish Querido, ahora entendí ...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
French Coucou mon Didou. Et bien pour moi ça ...
Coucou mon Didou.
Et bien pour moi ça va bien, reprise des cours et recherche de stage de 6 mois de janvier à juin en Espagne si possible. J'espère trouver rapidement. Et toi comment ça se passe sur Cognac? Quoi de neuf? Si je le peux, je passerai te voir pour te faire un bisou.
J'espère à bientôt.
<edit> "passerais" with "passerai"<:edit> (10/06/francky)

Completed translations
Spanish cucú
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Brazilian Portuguese uni du nite, o escolhido foi.... vc!
"Uni duni te", o escolhido foi... você!
Versão completa:
"Uni duni tê
um sorvete colorê
minha mãe mandou dizer
que o escolhido foi...você!"

Completed translations
Italian "Uni, duni, te", lo scelto sei... tu!
English Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,
Source language
Latin Om Mani Padme Hum
Om Mani Padme Hum

Completed translations
Brazilian Portuguese Om a jóia no lotus Hum
Source language
Latin Ave verum corpus natum de Maria Virgine Vere...
Ave verum corpus natum de Maria Virgine

Vere passum, immolatum in cruce pro homine

Cuius latus perforatum unda fluxit et sanguine

Esto nobis praegustatum mortis in examine

Completed translations
Brazilian Portuguese Salve, ó verdadeiro corpo nascido da Virgem Maria
Source language
Turkish ne oldu? kapıyorum ok?
ne oldu? kapıyorum ok?
"kapıyorum" ya da "kapatıyorum"

before edits:
"ne oldu kapiyom ok"
(edited thanks to Lizzz's notification)

Completed translations
Brazilian Portuguese O que aconteceu?
20Source language20
Turkish mutlu bir hafta dilerim
mutlu bir hafta dilerim
Oi, tenho um blog e uma seguidora deixou este comentário...poderiam me ajudar, traduzindo esta frase para o português?

Completed translations
Brazilian Portuguese Eu lhe desejo uma boa semana.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish seninle tanışmak istiyom ne diyon
Seninle tanışmak istiyorum.
Ne diyorsun ?
Before edit: 'seninle tanışmak istiyom
ne diyon'

Completed translations
Brazilian Portuguese eu quero conhecer você....
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Spanish Hoy no se fía, mañana sí.
Hoy no se fía, mañana sí.
I'd like to know the meaning of expression, may be not literal one.

Completed translations
English No credit today, only tomorrow
Source language
Brazilian Portuguese meu casamento será no dia 27!
meu casamento será no dia 27!

Completed translations
English My wedding will be on the 27th!
Source language
Russian Куда ты пропал? Ты хотя бы предупреждай меня, перед
Куда ты пропал? Ты хотя бы предупреждай меня, перед тем как исчезать... а то я волнуюсь и не могу понять в чем причина.

Completed translations
Turkish nereye kayboldun
Source language
Bulgarian Кому е чужда суетата
Кому е чужда суетата

Completed translations
English Who is a stranger to vanity?
Serbian Kome je sujeta strana?
Latin Quis?
Source language
Turkish yanlızlık yakışmıyor bana
yanlızlık yakışmıyor bana

Completed translations
English Loneliness
Serbian Samoća meni ne priliči
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Pismo!
Bu dünyada en tatlı bişey gördüm! :) Seviyorummm! İstiyorummm! :D Canımmm!!!!!! ♥ Deli oldum! O_o
hitno potreban prevod!!!!

Completed translations
Serbian Video(la) sam nešto što je
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek pes ta re synonomath.......
pes ta re synonomath..
amilite fae tyri kai mi milas poli..
mipws zhleyete pou eimai kala meta apo poly kairo???? lew egw twra kai anarwtiemai..
re fae tyri kai mi milas poli leme..

Completed translations
English Tell them my namesake
Serbian Reci bre imenjače...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Çıkmayan candan umit kesilmez...
Çıkmayan candan umit kesilmez...

Completed translations
Serbian Dok duša ne napusti telo,ne treba gubiti nadu
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian ciao mamma come stai? non vedo l'ora di...
ciao mamma come stai? non vedo l'ora di vedervi,mi dispiace molto che non capisco tanto bene l'albanese perchè vorrei tanto parlare anche con te. mi mancate tutti salutami tanto papà baci sabrina vi voglio bene.

Completed translations
Albanian Përshëndetje nënë si je? me zor po pres momentin
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