Opet onaj blesavi smesak pri citanju maila, zaista mislim da nije u redu, ali to sto mislim ne znaci da necu vise pisati, kao sto i sam vidis. Ti bas imas mnogo posla da uradis ovih dana, zelim ti mnogo srece sa svim tim. Kod mene sve po starom(nista novo), verujem da znas da Jelena dolazi za vikend i tome se mnogo radujem, jedva cekam da se vidimo i malo da se uz kaficu ispricamo, bilo bi lepo da si i ti mogao doci, ali bice prilike u nekom narednom periodu..
Again that silly smile when reading the mail, I really don't think it is alright, but what I think does not mean I will not write again, as you can see by yourself. You really have a lot of work to do these days, I wish you luck with all that. Everything is the same with me (nothing new), I believe you know Jelena is coming for the weekend and I'm delighted, I can't wait to see her and to talk to her a little at coffee time, it would have been nice if you had been able to come too, but there will be another opportunity some time soon...
Last validated or edited by lilian canale - 21 December 2008 11:35
about Jelena's arrival on the weekend --> that Jelena is coming for the weekend
it would be nice if you could come --> it would have been nice if you could come too
Lilian, I could use your help with this last correction of mine. Is it correct? It should mean that he couldn't come.
Hi Maki,
conditional sentences are always tricky.
In this case the correct combination of tenses for something that didn't happen in the past is:
conditional perfect + if + past perfect, however since we are using "can", into past perfect it has to change into "be able to". That's why I've changed the verb.
I hope I explained that well.
Svarog, I've also made the corrections according to your suggestions.
Could you both tell me whether you think the translation is correct now?