izmirliyim 20 yasındayım kaptanlık ehlıyetım var. onceden gunluk tur ve charter teknelerde calıstım .inglızce ılerı sevıyede konusuyorum . butun seltifikalarim hazır . eger ilgilenen olursa ##########@#######.### veya########### telefondan ulasabılırsınız .. iyi gunler .
Remarks about the translation
No phone number nor e mail address allowed in the text frame, thank you.
I am from Ä°zmir, I am 20 years old. I have a captain licence. I worked in charter boats and daily tours before. I can speak English in an advanced level. All my certificates are ready. If someone is interested, you can contact me at ##########@#######.### or on the telephone number ###########. Have a nice day.
Last validated or edited by lilian canale - 12 March 2009 22:28