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Translation - English-Brazilian Portuguese - Hey, it's my pleasure buddy... so, what's up??

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: EnglishBrazilian Portuguese

Category Sentence

This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hey, it's my pleasure buddy... so, what's up??
Submitted by huck
Source language: English

Hey, it's my pleasure buddy... so, what's up??
Remarks about the translation
Original-request before edits: "hey itz ma pleasure budy ..so0o0 wadx up ??" /pias 090928.

Ei, o prazer é meu, cara.... e então, tudo bem?
Brazilian Portuguese

Translated by narinhahl
Target language: Brazilian Portuguese

Ei, o prazer é meu, cara.... e então, tudo bem?
Last validated or edited by lilian canale - 28 September 2009 12:36