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ترجمة - الصينية المبسطة-انجليزي - 你认为应不应该取消黄金周

حالة جاريةترجمة
هذا النص متوفر في اللغات التالية: الصينية المبسطةانجليزي

إقترحت من طرف hurong221
لغة مصدر: الصينية المبسطة


What I think about whether we should get rid of Golden Week or not

ترجمت من طرف IanMegill2
لغة الهدف: انجليزي

Golden Week offers people a short break from their busy daily work and studies, so I think we should not get rid of it.
Golden Week, which first appeared in our country in 1999 as a legal holiday including the Spring Festival, Labour Day and National Day, was instituted to stimulate the economy in sectors supplying holiday-related goods and services, because when people have a long holiday, there will be an increase in domestic demand for the corresponding goods and services, and new kinds of demand will also thereby be created. Its purpose was to allow people to have a longer time to visit their relatives and friends, find new things to buy, rest up and get their energy back, and so that during this long vacation they can do a few things they enjoy, and visit friends they usually don't get the chance to see.
ملاحظات حول الترجمة
Golden Week is a short vacation time in people's busy work and study, so I judge Golden Week should not be gotten rid of.
Golden Week, which is a legal holiday first carried out in our country since 1999, contains the Spring Festival, Labour Day, National Day, and is for stimulating the vacation(-related) economy, by spending a long vacation creating impetus for new domestic demand, creating and producing a few new demands, for letting people have more time for looking for relatives and visiting friends, going window-shopping and buying things, resting up and feeling better, during a long vacation, they can do a few things to make themselves happy, and go and see a few friends which they usually don't have the time to visit.
آخر تصديق أو تحرير من طرف dramati - 7 كانون الاول 2007 07:15