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| | 14 Ιανουάριος 2008 19:34 |
| | Preciso de ajuda aqui... Eu não sei o significado de " roughly " em português, então não sei se está correcto... Se estiver apenas tenho a dizer que ficaria melhor:
" O meu relógio parece estar partido..."
" Não me surpreenderia...porque o tens manuseado torpemente..."
" Eu já sabia...mas esperei um pouco...Que hora é agora no teu relógio?"
CC: anabela_fernandes Borges guilon joner |
| | 14 Ιανουάριος 2008 23:58 |
| | " O meu relógio parece estar partido..."
" Não me surpreenderia...porque o tens manuseado bruscamente..." (roughly quer dizer "bruscamente, rudemente, toscamente)
" Eu já sabia...mas eu esperei um pouco...Que hora é agora no teu relógio?" Nesta tenho dúvidas porque "to expect" não é esperar no sentido de aguardar, mas sim de ter esperança e "esperei um pouco" fica um bocadinho ambÃguo. |
| | 15 Ιανουάριος 2008 00:54 |
| | broken -----> quebrado, não funciona (não partidocomo se fosse em dois)
torpemente ----> bruscamente
but I expected a little -----> I supposed you'd be a little more careful
| | 15 Ιανουάριος 2008 01:28 |
| | Para mim não há erro algum. |
| | 15 Ιανουάριος 2008 19:08 |
| | Eu acho que o Guilon tem razão. |
| | 18 Ιανουάριος 2008 18:29 |
| | Que achas da maneira em que está editado agora? CC: guilon |
| | 18 Ιανουάριος 2008 23:49 |
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| | 19 Ιανουάριος 2008 00:12 |
| | It's hard to say because we don't know what's been cut out. I would say it means that something went counter to the speaker's expectations, because it says "but".
Maybe it was something like "I already knew (the answer), but I was expecting a little (time to think about it)." |
| | 19 Ιανουάριος 2008 00:19 |
| | Hi all
Or "I already knew (that you would break it) but I was expecting a little (more care)...
As Kafetzou says, its too difficult to guess what was cut out.
Tantine |
| | 19 Ιανουάριος 2008 00:24 |
| | Thank you very much, that helped more than you can think. |
| | 19 Ιανουάριος 2008 00:28 |
| | Sweets:
Acho que a tradução ficaria óptima com apenas uma pequena mudança:
"mas esperei um pouco..." "mas eu estava à espera de um pouco..."
| | 19 Ιανουάριος 2008 02:30 |
| | K and T have the gist of it |
| | 19 Ιανουάριος 2008 15:50 |
| | I already knew...but i expected a little..."?
As has been said, this could be about anything, but the English is ok for most things.
I already knew ____________, but I expected a little ____________________.
Fill in the blanks guys...it doesn't require much more than that. The real question, it seems to me, is do we want to allow a fill in the blank translation? |
| | 19 Ιανουάριος 2008 18:30 |
| | Agora, já a posso aceitar? CC: guilon |
| | 19 Ιανουάριος 2008 23:15 |
| | Eu acho que sim  |
| | 20 Ιανουάριος 2008 08:33 |
| | Hi, sorry to arrive so late in the game!
The Japanese says literally:
I guess it looks like my watch went and broke!
Of course, right? Because you treated it with violence!
Yeah, I know, but I went and expected (it to be a little tougher)! By your watch, what time is it?
I guess he himself translated it into English?
It's a common expression in Japanese (i.e. to leave out the "what you expected" part).
Anyway, now you know, sorry again to be so late...  |