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번역 - 스웨덴어-영어 - Kursbevis för högskolekurs.

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Kursbevis för högskolekurs.
Piagabriella에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 스웨덴어

Kursbevis för högskolekurs. Personnummer. X har genomgått följande kurs baserad på kursplan fastställd 1995-04-20 och därvid erhållit betyget Väl godkänd. Kurskod/kursbenämning. Poängtal. Betygsdatum. Chef för studerandeavdelningen. Studerandeadministratör. Studerande som uppfyllt för kursen gällande fordringar får betyget Godkänd eller Väl godkänd. Utbildningens omfattning anges av poängtalet, varvid 20 poäng motsvarar en termins heltidsstudier. En beskrivning av utbildningen ges i bilaga till detta kursbevis.

Certificate of conformity for university course.

pias에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 영어

Certificate of conformity for university course. Social security number. X has taken the following course, based on syllabus, carried out 1995-04-20 when received the certificate; passed with credit. Code/Course. Credit points. Date. Director of the student affairs office. Student administrator. Those students who have fulfilled the current requirements for the course will receive the certificate graded as: "passed" or "passed with credit". The extent of the education is indicated by the number of points, considering that 20 points are equivalent to one term full-time studies. An account of the education is enclosed in appendix with this certificate of conformity.
lilian canale에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2009년 2월 17일 13:27

마지막 글


2009년 2월 16일 20:27

게시물 갯수: 73
högskole is not the same as university, but I´m not sure there is an english word for this kind og school

2009년 2월 16일 20:53

게시물 갯수: 8114
You are right, it's not exactly the same, but as far as I know "Högskola" use to be translated as "university". Look here.

"college of higher learning" is maybe a better alternative?

2009년 2월 16일 22:21

게시물 갯수: 118
Hi, Pia,

Here are my suggestions concerning your translation (the arrow -> means replacing):
has undergone... -> has taken...;
established... -> approved on...;
Director... -> Head...;
Student -> The student;
...requirement will receive the certificate; passed or passed with credit -> ...requirements will receive the certificate with evaluation as "passed" or "passed with credit".
An account of the education... -> The description of education...

That's it from me for now.

2009년 2월 16일 23:22

게시물 갯수: 4611
Hey, Pia. "Högskola" can be translated by: "university" or secondary school" in British and
"high school" in American.

2009년 2월 17일 10:59

게시물 갯수: 8114
A lot of input here, thank you sagittarius and Lene
Hm…I think you are right about ”has undergone”, maybe that is used mostly in a negative phrase, like “undergone an operation” … I don’t know if “has taken” is the right word here?

“fastställd” here must mean ”the date the syllabus was set”, so I still think that “established” is the right word/definition here.

Director and Head are synonyms ….

“Studerande” here may refer to a group or one person, so I don’t agree it should be “The student”. To me “The student” = “Studenten” (Definite article/ sing.) Is “student’s” a better word Lilian?

Right, “fordringar” is plural … requirements, and “beskrivning” is maybe better described as “A description”.

Lilian, could you please help here and tell what you think, shall I do the edits?

CC: lilian canale

2009년 2월 17일 11:30

lilian canale
게시물 갯수: 14972
OK, let's see...
Sagittarius has made some interesting remarks.

has taken

Perhaps "established" could be "carried out"

Those students who have fulfilled the current requirements for the course will receive the certificate graded as: "passed" or "passed with credit"

I think those edits are enough.

2009년 2월 17일 13:15

게시물 갯수: 8114
Edits done, thanks Lilian