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번역 - 러시아어-영어 - Эвлитин является одним из самых редких минералов...

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분류 과학

Эвлитин является одним из самых редких минералов...
Katrin_Charmant에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 러시아어

Эвлитин является одним из самых редких минералов в природе. Встречается в виде единичных кристаллов, агрегатов кристаллов и радиально-волокнистых сферолитов. Кристаллы обычно имеют тетраэдрический облик. Преимущественно развиты грани 2, иногда 1, редко 5.
Облик кристаллов эвлитина из месторождения Шнееберг.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
Классический английский
eulytite - эвлитин

Eulytite is one of the rarest minerals

agent z에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 영어

Eulytite is one of the rarest minerals in nature. It occurs as single crystals, aggregates of crystals and radially fibrous spherulites. Crystals usually have a tetrahedral appearance. Two sides are mainly developed, sometimes one, seldom 5. Crystal appearance of eulytite from the Shneeberg field.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
Possible alternative for the third sentence:

It is mainly the second side that is developed, sometimes the first, rarely the first.

It is not entirely clear here which of these two translations is the right one.
Lein에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2011년 4월 27일 14:46

마지막 글


2011년 4월 15일 19:39

게시물 갯수: 3389
Hi agent z

Someone really seems interested in crystallography!

Another great translation! I have made some minor changes below; please let me know whether you agree.

Eulytite is one of the rarest minerals in nature. It occurs as a single crystal*, an assembly** of crystals or maybe better: assemblies of crystals and radially fibrous spherulites***. Crystals usually have a tetrahedral appearance. Two sides are mainly developed, sometimes one, seldom 5. Crystal appearance of eulytite from the Shneeberg field.

*maybe better: single crystals
**Possible alternative: aggregates
*** I don't know anything about spherulites - in fact, I had never heard the word! But I think in geology, this is referred to as radially fibrous spherulites. See for an image

In English, I think the second sentence would normally describe plural forms (crystals, aggregates etc) and not singulars. If you do prefer singulars, you will need an article (a crystal).
As for the last sentence, it looks like this may be a description or legend for an image. Do you think that might be the case? I have based my sentence on this assumption.

There is one sentence I don't understand. Do you know what is meant by this one?

Two sides are mainly developed, sometimes one, seldom 5.

The English looks fine, I just don't understand what it means - but maybe this will make perfect sense to a mineralogist!

2011년 4월 19일 12:12

게시물 갯수: 3389
No reply

I will edit as described above; please let me know if you don't agree! Thanks!

2011년 4월 22일 05:25

게시물 갯수: 611
I believe that the meaning was that: Second side(s) is (are) mainly developed, sometimes first, rarely fifth.

2011년 4월 21일 15:31

게시물 갯수: 3389
Thanks Siberia, I think that makes sense.

Agent z, would you agree? In that case I'll change the sentence to

It is mainly the second side that is developed, sometimes the first, rarely the first.

Please let me know what you think and I can edit (or not) and accept

2011년 4월 24일 22:51

게시물 갯수: 27
"crystal aggregate" is ok, please see the link below for proof

As to "Преимущественно развиты грани 2, иногда 1, редко 5." I agree with Agent Z as it seems to me to be more logical. However, it is not realy clear from the context if it should be trasnlated as Cardinal numerals or Ordinal numerals.