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번역 - 독일어-영어 - Kara on Samuel

현재 상황번역
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분류 과학

Kara on Samuel
jairhaas에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 독일어

1. Dass Rashbam die historichen Bücher der heiligen Schrift commentiert hat ist keineswegs gewiss, da für die Existenz dieser Commentare nicht mer als zwei Anführungen bei Abraham ben Uriel sprechen. Der angeblich durch zwei Anführungen bei Kara im Cod. Sem. 104 bezeugte Commentar zu Samuel beruht auf einem Irrthum. Denn erstens ist der angeblich Kara'iche Commentar zum 1 B. Sam. (im Cod. Sem. 104) von 1,24 an tross der deutlichen Ueberschrift… sicher nicht von Kara, sondern von einem Compilator, der ausser Menachem und Dunasch die Erklärungen von Raschi, Josef Kara, der aber nicht ausdrücklich genannt wird, seinem Lehrer R. Jakob und einem nicht näher bezeichneten französischen Exegeten oder Lexicographen Simeon benuzt, die Unsichten spanischer Schrifterklärer kennt und erwähnt, auch eine von R. Eleasar und Verona ihm mündlich mitgetheilte Worterklärung anführt. Zweitens ist die Abkürzung … zu 1 Sam. Gewiss nicht in… sondern in … auszulösen, ebenso 1 Sam. 21, 2 … aus… verschrieben. Der Talmudkundige Verfasser des Samuel-Commentars hätte den berühmten Rashbam gewiss nicht mit… citirt sondern mit… oder ähnlich.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
When 3 dots appear, the text brings Hebrew words in no need of translation.
I would like an expert to translare

Kara on Samuel

Pashikane에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 영어

1. It's really not sure that Rashbam commented the historic books of the Holy Scripture because no more than two citations by Abraham ben Uriel speak on behalf of the existence of those comments. The comment on Samuel which supposedly is testified by two citations by Kara in the Cod. Sem. 104 is based on a fallacy. Firstly: The comment to 1 B. Sam. (in the Cod. Sem. 104, beginning with 1,24) which is supposedly written by Kara is - in spite of the clear headline - certainly not written by Kara but by a compiler who uses - besides Menachem and Dunasch - the explanations of Raschi, of Josef Kara - who isn't mentioned explicitly - , of his teacher R. Jakob and those of a French exegete or lexicographer (it's not specified) called Simeon. Furthermore, this compiler knows and mentions the carefulness of Spanish explainers of the Scrupture and also mentions a word explanation which Eleasar and Verona told him orally. Secondly: The abbreviation "…" to 1 Sam. surely doesn't stand for "… " but for "… ", and in 1 Sam. 21, 2 "…" as well was mistakenly written as "…". The author of the Samual-commentary was an expert on Talmud and so he surely wouldn't have quoted the famous Rashbam as "…" but as "…" or something like that.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
Rather a free translation because it's almost impossible to construct such long sentences in English.
"Unsichten" is not a word, I guessed "Umsicht(en)" is meant here (I translated that to "carefulness").
lilian canale에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2014년 1월 21일 12:17