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원문 - 영어 - The photo of the woman My name is Hellen with...

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The photo of the woman My name is Hellen with...
번역될 본문
K.net에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 영어

My name is Hellen with two l's.
I am 86 years old and my dog "boots" is 14,which makes him older than me in people years.I have been an avon lady for 35 years.I sell a lot of cosmetics to the ladies here in the court.My neighbours are real concerned about me because i am all alone.They come banging on my door if they don't see the shades up by 9a.m.Rent here is $277 a month.But it's worth every penny.I live right across from the swimming pool.I do water aerobic every Tuesday.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
Thank you for the traduction and good luck!
2006년 12월 14일 18:13