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44번역 - 스페인어-영어 - Sera de Dios

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Sera de Dios
chrysso91에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 스페인어

no voy a volver
no voy a sentir
no voy a pensar

Y te vi
y todo cambió
no pude negarme
a tu mirada

Será de Dios
que no te pueda
olvidar más
Será de Dios
que sea tuya hasta el final
será que al fin
tu corazón se despertó

Será de Dios
será mejor
ya no te alejes
no digas adiós
será de Dios
será mejor
ya no te alejes
no digas adiós

Mírame así,
que en ese brillo
pueda ver toda la fuerza
de tu amor...
Que entre tus besos,
llegue ya la primavera

No sé si pueda perdonar,
no sé si deba regresar,
para perderte una vez
será que al fin me ames
de verdad.

Is that God's will?

goncin에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 영어

I said:
I won't turn back
I won't feel
I won't think

And I saw you
And everything changed
I couldn't avoid
Staring at you

Is that God's will
That I can't
Forget you anymore
Is that God's will
That I be yours until the end
Maybe, at the end
Your heart awakened

Is that God's will
It'll be better
Don't move away anymore
Don't say goodbye
Is that God's will
It'll be better
Don't move away anymore
Don't say goodbye

Look at me this way
In this brightness
Be able to see the strength
Of your love
Among your kisses
May spring come

I don't know if I can forgive,
I don't know if you ought to come back,
To lose you once more
Would mean at the end that you love me
for real.
kafetzou에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2007년 6월 21일 16:44

마지막 글


2007년 6월 18일 16:15

게시물 갯수: 7963
No sé si pueda perdonar,
no sé si deba regresar,

Why is one of these translated with "I" and one with "you"?