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번역 - 일본어-영어 - Dakedo ima nara yume wo

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Dakedo ima nara yume wo
Francky5591에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 일본어

Dakedo ima nara yume wo,konote de kanaete miseru yo!
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
Phrase que je n'arrive pas à comprendre


greensun108에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 영어

But right now, I will show everyone that I can make my dreams come true with my own hands.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
Eh, the showing everyone part isn't explicit.
kafetzou에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2007년 6월 23일 16:50

마지막 글


2007년 6월 21일 20:20

게시물 갯수: 12396
Hello, greensun108? I don't know if "showing everyone is explicit, as I submitted this Japanese text to translation into English in order to evaluate the French version that I've got to evaluate.

I'm a French expert and admin here at cucumis, but I don't know Japanese at all, even when it is writen in Latin characters.

The French version is quite different though, it is :

"Mais maintenant je vais réaliser ton rêve de mes propres mains, tu vas voir"

Which means : "but now I will fulfil your dream with my own hands, you'll see"...

So I still don't know if the French version is right, as nobody helped by telling if the translation was right or wrong. Moreover, even if someone did, it would be better if he/she could also explain why he/she thinks translation is right or wrong.

We miss some experts in Japanese language who would speak French or English, but I hope we'll have some among us who connect regularly enough to do this expert job efficiently (in the future)

2007년 6월 22일 11:28

게시물 갯수: 1
The French version would also be correct. The Japanese doesn't indicate exactly whose dreams they are, or who will see that the dreams will come true. It's all sort of contextual, which is typical for Japanese....

2007년 6월 22일 15:50

게시물 갯수: 12396
Your translation has been approved by a Japanese English speaking member, so I guess it is right.
I wouldn't say that about the French one, as it wasn't evauated by him, although he speaks French as well...

2007년 6월 23일 11:57

게시물 갯수: 12396
Now that matsubaray approved both French and English translations, I will believe what you said about the lack of context and the specificity of Japanese language.
So this translarion should be validated by an English expert as well.
Thanks a lot for your explanations, and thanks to matsubaray(Japanese member who speaks French, English and German) too, without whom these translations wouldn't be evaluated due to the lack of Japanese experts regularly connected.

2007년 6월 27일 11:30

게시물 갯수: 19
I approve, the english translation seems correct to me, and the fact that mine (the french one) is also not wrong says a lot about the ambiguity of the japanase sentence and the lack of context...