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원문 - 라틴어 - Puella anilem prudentiam,matronalem gravitatem et...

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Puella anilem prudentiam,matronalem gravitatem et...
번역될 본문
tanguy10에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 라틴어

Puella anilem prudentiam,matronalem gravitatem et puellarem suavitatem habebat.Amicos paternos et paedagogos diligebat.Semper studiose legebat, simulque ludebat.Destinata ert egregio juveni, sed mors eam rapuit.
2007년 11월 19일 16:39

마지막 글


2007년 12월 14일 07:13

게시물 갯수: 256
The young girl had the wisdom of an old man, a seriousness of a matron and the sweetness of a girl. She was found of the friends of her father and the pedagogues. She always red arduously and played at the same time. She was destined to an exquisite young man, but the death took her away.