well i agree and dont agree at the same time, i agree that if u need to translate large passages that you must translate by meaning all the time because the structure of statemetns change in every language, but i dont agree when someone asks for a specific line to be tranlsated as is, because i remember when i was learning (as a hobby) italian or hebrew, i appreciated an exact word-to-word translation because I needed to know what each word meant within a structure as close as possible to what I had in mind, so now, if someone needs to know what "Je t'aime beaucoup mon ange" means in Arabic they would assume, Je t'aime means "malakee" which is not completely accurate, is it? someone might actually use it that way!
besides, half of the translation requests on this site are by people getting messages in languages they dont understand, your Arabic equivalent of "Je t'aime beaucoup mon ange" is pretty romantic, i would say too romantic

and its a bit poetic, it works well with a love letter, not with a mother telling it to her child for example, im just saying...