Dumnezeu a făcut cea mai sacră faptă şi anume a creat pe bărbat şi femeie. Dîndu-le o posibilitate de a realiza dorinţa, a crea o familie. Familia este un grup de oameni care se ajută unul pe altul. Ea poate fi formată din mai mulţi membri : mama, tata, frate, soră şi alţii. Familia este generaţie. Creşterea copiilor este rolul oricărui părinte, de a da educaţie.
Family is the most special masterpiece created by nature
God did the most sacred thing of all – He created the man and the woman. He gave them the possibility of fulfilling their will, of creating a family. Family is a group of people who help each other. It can be made up by several members: mother, father, brother, sister and others. Family means generation. Children’s breeding, providing education, is the role of each parent.
"the man and the woman" are two beings, so the former sentence should read "sacred beings of all"
He have them -----> He gave them
it can be made of several..----> it can be made up by several...
I would change the syntax of the last sentence into:
"Children’s breeding, providing education, is the role of each parent."
What do you think? Does any of these change the original meaning?
God did the most sacred thing of all – He created the man and the woman. He gave them the possibility of fulfilling their will, to create a family. Family is a group of people who help each other. It can be made of several members: mother, father, brother, sister and others. Family means generation. Raising children is the role of every parent, providing education.