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Překlad - Islandsky-Anglicky - from

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Text je dostupný v následujících jazycích: IslandskyAnglicky

Kategorie Myšlenky

Požadavek tohoto překladu je "Pouze význam".
Podrobit se od itsatrap100
Zdrojový jazyk: Islandsky

Í upphafi níunda áratugarins lagði Ragnheiður ætinguna til hliðar vegna skaðsemi þessarar tækni fyrir heilsuna. Það kom þó ekki niður á list hennar því hinar stóru kolateikningar sem hún hefur unnið á síðustu árum buðu upp á sjálfsprottnari og kröftugri vinnubrögð í samræmi við þróun hennar til æ óhlutbundnara myndmáls. Ragnheiður er ef til vill fyrst og fremst teiknari andrúms og vídda sem eru undirliggjandi en ekki dagljósar. Áferð kolateikninganna er um margt áþekk silki sem blaktir á mörkum hins orðna og óorðna og umvefur áhorfandann í dansandi hillingum ljóss og skugga.


Přeložil pias
Cílový jazyk: Anglicky

In the beginning of the ninth decade Ragnheiður put etching aside because of the damage this technique causes to health. Yet, that didn't come to end her art because of the big carbon drawings she had performed the last years, offering both self-portraits and more powerful methods corresponding to the development of her always abstract imagination. Ragnheiður is maybe first and foremost a graphic designer, creating breathing-space and wide open spaces as is all in darkness. The texture of the carbon drawings reminds a lot about silk that flickers and marks the past and the future, and wraps around the onlooker in dancing mirages of light and shadow.
Naposledy potvrzeno či editováno lilian canale - 6 prosinec 2008 13:25

Poslední příspěvek


22 listopad 2008 12:33

Počet příspěvků: 23
sjálfsprottnari does not mean self-portraits.... self-portraits is sjálfsmynd.

also missing "in the beginning of the ... deceade"

powerful = kröftug - kröftugri = more powerful

is it really possible to say "is underlying no daylight" ?

orðna og órðna does not mean order and disorder. It means "that has been and that that has yet to become"

22 listopad 2008 13:56

Počet příspěvků: 8114
Thanks a lot Anna Louise! My understanding of Icelandic is far from perfect, I'm learning, and I think this was a too "heavy" translation to do.

Maybe it's better to write "is all in darkness" than "is underlying no daylight"?

Lilian, I think I can do some edits here, but I don't have a clue what "sjálfsprottnari" is ... sorry. Reject it if you have to.

23 listopad 2008 14:25

Počet příspěvků: 8114
Hello Lilian
I've done some "research" to find the meaning for that word: sjálfsprottnari, but I can't find it!
It might have to do with landscape paintings??

Should I do the other edits?

CC: lilian canale

23 listopad 2008 14:53

lilian canale
Počet příspěvků: 14972
Perhaps Anna_Louise will be so kind and give us the meaning of that weird word. For the other edits, feel free to make them.

CC: Anna_Louise

30 listopad 2008 08:47

Počet příspěvků: 8114
I think you can reject my translation Lilian, I've searched the WHOLE net and can't find that word explained, sorry!

30 listopad 2008 11:20

lilian canale
Počet příspěvků: 14972
Reject? why?

We may get some help from the other experts.

Hey guys, could you throw some light on this translation?

CC: Anna_Louise Bamsa Eggert

30 listopad 2008 12:40

Počet příspěvků: 8114

30 listopad 2008 22:45

Počet příspěvků: 279

I'd just like to say thank you Pias for the translation, it is obviously a difficult text.
I think I found a translation for sjálfsprottnari, it is "self-hewn" or "self-sown".

2 prosinec 2008 17:36

Počet příspěvků: 8114
You are welcome itsatrap100!

That's very good you found the word yourself. Lilian, shall I edit according to itsatraps research?

3 prosinec 2008 14:19

Počet příspěvků: 279
Actually I found a form that was similar in an online Icelandic-English dictionary, and I'm still not sure what this word means, but I'm pretty sure sprottnari is a from of spretta, it's that final "i" that makes it strange. If somebody is interested, an online and downloadable copy of Cleasby-Vigfusson Icelandic-English dictionary can be found at
There are some other resources of older and less used languages at that site as well.

3 prosinec 2008 17:20

Počet příspěvků: 8114
Thanks for the link, there are not many good Icelandic dict. online, at least ...I can't find them. Do you mean the verb "spretta"? ( jump, grow)

3 prosinec 2008 20:22

Počet příspěvků: 279

Yes, the last entry under the verb spretta, in Cleasby-Vigfusson, is sprottnar, to grow, as in English, to grow good crops, but the other meanings of the verb spretta of "spring" and "start" imply some kind of spontaneous, or accidental meaning, so in combination with the other meanings, I think it means "self-sown".

6 prosinec 2008 12:06

lilian canale
Počet příspěvků: 14972
OK Pia, let's decide what the final version will be.
Will you make any edits?

6 prosinec 2008 13:02

Počet příspěvků: 8114
Oh, I'm not sure about how to do, the poll thinks "self portraits" is right. I never heard of "self-sown methods". What do you suggest Lilian?

6 prosinec 2008 13:22

lilian canale
Počet příspěvků: 14972
Well...I guess since this is a "MO" request we can accept it the way it is.

6 prosinec 2008 13:24

Počet příspěvků: 8114
Ok, thanks!

7 prosinec 2008 01:26

Počet příspěvků: 23
"it's that final "i" that makes it strange!"

Just a little comment on that - the final "i" is not strange at all. Like most icelandic adjectives "ari" at the end indicates more ...
sjálfsprottin - sjálfsprottnari - sjálfsprottnust

sæt - sætari - sætust
cute - cuter - cutest

7 prosinec 2008 08:53

Počet příspěvků: 8114
Thanks a lot for the explanation Anna_Louise, I found the un declined adjective now! It's the same pattern in Swedish.

söt -sötare -sötast

Lilian, sorry for regret, but itsatrap is SO RIGHT about that word "self-sown" or maybe one could write "spontaneous" ?

7 prosinec 2008 12:06

lilian canale
Počet příspěvků: 14972
What do you think Anna? Which one would fit better?

26 prosinec 2008 15:11

Počet příspěvků: 23
Sorry for the late reply, I've been crazy busy. Spontaneous is more like "hvatvísi" but self-sown is more fitting, although it's just not right...

It's a tough word ;P