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50Source language50
Albanian Gezuar vitin e ri dhe krishtelindjet
Gezuar vitin e ri dhe krishtelindjet
Gezuar vitin e ri dhe krishtelindjet

<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
French Joyeux noël et bonne année
Italian Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo
Serbian Srecan Bozic i srecna Nova godina
Bulgarian Весела Коледа и Честита Нова Година
Turkish Mutlu noeller ve iyi yıllar
Spanish Feliz Navidad y próspero Año Nuevo
Hungarian Kellemes karàcsonyi ünnepeket és boldog uj évet
Croatian Čestit Božić i sretna Nova godina
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Feliz natal e um feliz ano novo
Macadóinis Честит Божиќ и Среќна Нова Година
Polish Wesołych Świąt i szczęśliwego Nowego Roku
English Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Spanish Feliz Navidad y un feliz Año Nuevo.
Polish Wesolych Swiat i Szczesliwego Nowego Roku.
Turkish Mutlu Noeller ve Mutlu bir Yeni Yıl
Danish glædelig jul og godt nytår
English Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Boisnís Sretan Božić i sretna Nova godina
Greek Καλά Χριστούγεννα και ευτυχισμένος ο καινούριος χρόνος.
Romanian Crăciun fericit şi La mulţi ani
Korean 즐거운 크리스마스, 행복한 새해 되세요.
German Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches neues Jahr!
Chinese 聖誕快樂!新年快樂!
Hebrew איחולים
Lithuanian sveikinimas
Bulgarian Весела коледа и щастлива нова година
Romanian Crăciun fericit, şi La Mulţi Ani!
English Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Danish Glædelig Jul og godt Nytår
Turkish mutlu noeller ve mutlu yeni yillar
Swedish God jul och Gott nytt år
Source language
Romanian Ä‚sta este orderul din fiÅŸierul pe care mi l-ai trimis.
Ä‚sta este orderul din fiÅŸierul pe care mi l-ai trimis.

Completed translations
Greek Αυτή είναι η παραγγελία
Source language
Bulgarian Българска фирма занимаваща се с производство и...
Българска фирма занимаваща се с производство и търговия на резене ви предлага 100 тона на цена 2.00 евро за килограм. Семената са в сурово състояние и не са извлечени маслата.
Телефон за връска : 00359885044833

Completed translations
Greek παραγωγή
Source language
English Diderot
The printed edition of Diderot's Pere de famille included the playwright's essay -...-the spirited theory of dull practice . A century later , when the naturalists began to dismantle the maechanics of the well-made play , they could do not better than Diderot in his fight against the conventionality of French classical tragedy .
θα ήθελα να βγει ένα καλό νόημα..

Completed translations
Greek Ντυντερώ
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Japonese Gostaria de saber a tradução de: SUTEKI DA...

Completed translations
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Bonito, não é?
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hebrew todah rabah chaver!!! neshikot!!!!!
todah rabah chaver!!!
Apenas queria saber o que me fora enviado!! foi por uma senhora, obrigado, Igor

Completed translations
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) todah rabah chaver!!! neshikot
Source language
English I will go on with allegations, they are true.
I will go on with allegations, they are true.
This is a phrase that will be included in a dialogue in a novel. Can you also write the phonetics/pronunciation?

Completed translations
Arabic سأستمرّ في الإدّعاءات، إنّهم على حق.
Swedish Jag kommer driva anklagelserna vidare, de är sanningsenliga.
Source language
Swedish hej jag heter Linnea och bor i smålandsstenar som...
hej jag heter Linnea och bor i smålandsstenar som är nära gislaved
franska frankrike

Completed translations
French Bonjour
English Hello.
Italian Buongiorno...
German Hallo...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) medicina
bursite e fibromialgia,distúrbio articular ,Síndrome de Fibromialgia e Bursite em ombros

Completed translations
Italian medicina
Source language
English Push up on me
Push up on me.

Completed translations
Italian Sollevami.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Dutch prevod dela izvestaja
Tijdens de tweede helft van de competitiewedstrijd StormvogelsTelstar tegen MVV viel in de 49e minuut de veldverlichting uit. Scheidsrechter J. Sanders zag zich, na een pauze te hebben ingelast, genoodzaakt de wedstrijd definitief te staken
Za moj posao je bitno sta se desilo u navedenom 49. minutu

Completed translations
English Izvestja
Serbian prevod dela izveštaja
Source language
Italian sei bella e sexy
sei bella e sexy

Completed translations
Serbian Lepa si i zgodna
Source language
French Salut, ça va toi?
Salut, ça va toi?

Completed translations
Serbian Здраво, како си ?
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Polish Um bate papo...quero saber o q ele diz
Czesc Diana mam teraz nowa skrzynke pocztowa to jest moj nowy adres
xxx@yyy.zz.U mnie wszystko wporzadku caly czas pracuje w gillette co co
slychac w goracym manaus pewnie jest bardzo upalnie jak zawsze zreszta masz moze
kontakt z Ed Carlosem? Dzieki za zdjecie ja tez ci przesle swoje aktualne
zdjecie pozdrawiam cieplo z chlodnej polski .Jak tam twoje prywatne zycie masz
chlopaka ?pa pa odezwe

Completed translations
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Olá Diana
Source language
Polish ja znac polski
ooh ów ładny zimno. ja znać polski ponieważ JA był żyjący tam długi czas , a następnie ja przybyły wobec Londyn wobec wzbogacać mój język angielski.

miły wobec spotkał ty mimochodem hehe
email de amigo

Completed translations
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) ohh que frio bom
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