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Source language
Ce lipseşte până a ajunge la perfecţiune?
Cred că n-o să descoperi de unul singur.
Şi, precum ştii, o calitate pentru tine e mereu un defect pentru alţii, e bine să te mulţumeşti cu ceea ce eşti şi cu siguranţă vei ajunge acolo unde-ţi doreşti.

Apropo, tu crezi că e FERICIREA?
Diacritics added/Freya

Completed translations
Italian sei un incantatore pieno di qualità.
Source language
Italian implora di vero cuore
Sua Santità
Benedetto XVI
di cuore dona
l'Apostolica Benedizione

in occasione del loro matrimonio
16 Luglio 2006

e invoca su di loro
celesti favori

Completed translations
Bulgarian umoliavam ot sarce
Source language
Portuguese resumo
Moléstia conhecida desde a mais remota antiguidade e originaria provavelmente de regiões da África e Ásia.
Os primeiros sinais só começam a aparecer 2 a 5 anos depois do contágio.
O doente tratado adequadamente não sofrera alteração em sua vida profissional, familiar e a doença cura ou estaciona.

Completed translations
English Summary
Source language
Greek Πώς δεν μπορεί να με δει
Πώς δεν μπορεί να με δει
Sorry, but i've no idea what the text could mean. A friend of mine wrote it to me, so it could be everything...

Completed translations
English How he can't see me
German Wie kann er mich nicht sehen
Source language
Greek Οι Παλιοί μας φίλοι
Οι Παλιοί μας φίλοι
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
English Our old friends
Italian I nostri vecchi amici
Source language
Arabic ►☼◄ المعلّم ►☼◄
لتتبع الطريق
استمع إلى المعلّم
انظر إلى المعلّم
اتبع المعلّم
امشي مع المعلّم
انظر من خلال المعلّم
كن المعلّم.

Completed translations
English ►☼◄ THE MASTER ►☼◄
Italian Il maestro
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) O Mestre
French ►☼◄ LE MAÎTRE ►☼◄
Albanian Mesuesi
German ►☼◄ DER MEISTER ►☼◄
Portuguese O mestre
Turkish ►☼◄ PATRON►☼◄
Bulgarian ►☼◄ Господарят ►☼◄
Korean ►☼◄ 숙련자 ►☼◄
Irish An Mháistir
Source language
Hebrew ציטוט
למילים יש השפעה חזקה על התודעה, גם למילים מדוברות וגם למילים כתובות
המילים שאתה אומר לזולתך חשובות, אבל חשובות יותר המילים שאתה אומר לעצמך.

Completed translations
English Quote
Source language
Bulgarian Ще имам ли някога дете?
Ще имам ли някога дете?

Completed translations
English Will I ever have a child?
Italian Avrò mai un bambino?
Source language
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) A vida nunca falhará enquanto houver amor.
A vida nunca falhará enquanto houver amor.

Completed translations
Latin Donec amorem habeat, vita numquam errabit.
Source language
Italian la louisiana
ci sono molti giacimenti di petrolio

Completed translations
French La Louisiane
Source language
Arabic siha
الفكرالعلمي عاجز عن التفكير في ذاته ما دام قائما على الإعتقاد بأن المعرفة العلمية انعكاس للواقع

Completed translations
French Sciences
English science
Source language
Arabic n'habek ou nebrik te couni...
n'habek ou nebrik te couni marhti inch'allah maha s salem ou leila saida ya wardi
message d'amour

Completed translations
French Je t'aimerai
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) eu te amarei e eu te adorarei
Source language
Arabic صورتها
من الاكيد و المفروغ منه ان صورتها ستبقى في الداكرة محفورة رغم مرور 5 سنوات على فراقها وسيكون الدهاب اليها الى عالمها القابعة فيه امرا صعبا جدا الى مستحيل .لكن هناك طريق واحد خطير للغاية قد يوصلنا اليها او قد يوصل الى عالم اخر العالم الدامس

Completed translations
French Sa photographie
Source language
English Quality management systems
The objective of this document is to provide local governments
with guidelines for the voluntary application of ISO 9001:2000
on an integral basis.These guidelines do not, however,add,
change or modify the requirements of Iso 9001:2000.

Completed translations
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Sistemas de Gerenciamento de Qualidade
Source language
Latin Galbae
Regina dat cibus

Completed translations
English Galba
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Galba
Source language
French Amour...
Je t'aime d'un amour infini...
Je t'aime!

Completed translations
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Amor
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