Hello Roller-Coaster, I have few suggestions :
Acctualy, "fer(faire) genre crari" would say "faire semblant" in french (pretvarati se)...so it can be translated.
"Fajl" you say "fichier" in french and not "dossier", when you are talking about computer file. To translate "en face des nouvo(nouvau

dossier(s)" it would be helpfull to know the context, but if you say "pred novim folderom" ("dossier" means "folder" in french in computer language) it is not too logical. Posible translations are : "pred novim dokumentom / obavestenjem / temom / projektom / poslom" etc, it depends of context. I think it is "projektom" here, but I could not be sure.
For "c('est) p(our) ta culture" you can't translate it by "ovo sve govori o tvojoj kulturi" but with "to je za tvoju opstu kulturu" where "générale" (expression is "pour ta culture générale"

is understood. And also one thing : "jle diré a milan kil te remette ds le droit chemin" is actually : "Je l'ai diré à Milan qu'il te remette dans le droit chemin" in good french, and would say : "Rekao sam Milanu da te vrati na pravi put". It is a past tense, and there is no "da te ON vrati"...
And "ahah", I am not sure if it means "ha ha" (laughing in serbian). I think it is more like "aha" (in serbian) like in "aha, uhvatio sam te!" or in "aha, bas ti verujem"

. I think it is the second thing.
I think that Francky should reconsider this one again.
My translation would be :
"Rekao sam Milanu da te vrati na pravi put!!! I prestani da se pretvaras da je to za tvoju opstu kulturu...Ali, DA, bas pred novim projektima, aha

Thank you all.