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Translation - Turkish-English - İstediğin bir şey olmuyorsa ya daha iyisi olacağı...

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İstediğin bir şey olmuyorsa ya daha iyisi olacağı...
Submitted by suzun
Source language: Turkish

"Üzülme!İstediğin bir şey olmuyorsa ya daha iyisi olacağı için ya da gerçekten de olmaması gerektiği için olmuyordur."
Remarks about the translation
Söz Mevlana nın bir sözüdür.İnternette araştırmama rağmen ingilizce tam çevirisini bulamadım.Şimdiden teşekkürler..Çevirinin İngilizce kısmının ingiliz olarak yapılmasını rica ediyorum.Ayrıca İbranice çevirisinde sanırım kadın erkek için farklı kelimeler kullanılıyormuş..Bayan olduğum için Üzülme derken kadına hitaben olmasını gözden kaçırmamanızı da ayrıca rica ediyorum.

Don't be sorry!...

Translated by Mesud2991
Target language: English

Don't be sorry! If something you want doesn't happen, it's either because something better will happen or because it's really not supposed to happen.
Validated by lilian canale - 19 September 2011 20:04

Last messages


17 September 2011 17:21

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
Hi rollingmaster,

I wonder if you meant "Don't worry!"

17 September 2011 19:38

Number of messages: 1331
Doesn't "be sorry" sound good? Because this is the literal version.

19 September 2011 11:47

Number of messages: 3389
shouldn't 'a better one' be 'something better'?

19 September 2011 12:13

Number of messages: 1331
Hi Lein,

Would you mind explaining the diffence between 'a better one' and 'something better'?

19 September 2011 13:13

Number of messages: 3389
'a better one' refers to a specific event or other thing mentioned earlier. If there has not been an earlier mention of anything (like here), 'a better one' leaves the reader to think 'what exactly is he talking about?'

'Something better' is undetermined and can be used if it doesn't refer to something said earlier.

Here, it gives the impression you know what you are talking about (a better one) but you have not told the reader.

I threw away my old coat when I had bought a better one: it is clear that you have found a better coat, not something else.

I didn't bring my old rain coat, because I had something better: for example, I brought an umbrella, or a new rain coat, or a hat to keep me dry.

Does that help at all? I find it difficult to explain but I can try again if it is not clear

19 September 2011 13:56

Number of messages: 1331
Thanks Lein, I have been learning lots of things thanks to you cucumers.

But I think "a better one" refers to a specific event (something you want). Am I wrong?

Thanks again for explaining.

19 September 2011 14:21

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
I agree with Lein. 'Something better' is more suitable here since the line doesn't say exactly 'what' you want.

19 September 2011 16:59

Number of messages: 3389
The reason why 'a better one' sounds a bit wrong in English is because you have to be able to replace the word 'one' with another word earlier in the sentence.

For example, if the sentence had been 'If the journey you want doesn't happen, ...' then you could say 'it is because a better one will happen...'. That is because in that case, you could replace 'one' with 'journey' and it would mean exactly the same thing.

Is there anyone who can explain this in Turkish so it may be clearer what I am trying to say?

CC: Bilge Ertan kfeto handyy

19 September 2011 18:19

Number of messages: 1331
I understand now. "Something you want" is not a "specific" event. But in Turkish, we can use "a better one" when we say "something you know"; thats why I am cofused.

Thanks both of you.

24 September 2011 10:48

Bilge Ertan
Number of messages: 921

I am sorry I am a bit late. I think rollingmaster understands what you mean. But if we want to translate these into Turkish, here you go:

a better one => daha iyisi (parçada daha önceden söylenmiş bir şeyden bahsediyorsak)

something better => daha iyi bir şey ( a better one'dan farklı olarak "daha iyi başka bir şey" )

I think it is clearer now.

Have a nice day!