Hi Tantine
It is just an explanation of the made mistakes and how I corrected them, mostly for tristangun. (As I like to learn from my faults myself and I thought he might find it interesting).
But sure, here is it in English:
I've placed 'zaterdag' more in the beginning of the sentence because it belongs to 'today' and not the entire phrase.
The article 'de' belongs to masculine and feminine words, so not to the neutral 'adres'. I made it 'adresgegevens' for convenience's sake, since that's plural and gets 'de'. (Sorry a bit complicated thing for such a tiny 'mistake' :P)
[you could also say it just sounds better]
The adjective 'chirurgisch' is without an -e here.
(Though: chirurgische oncologie) [as an example]
Compositions must 'stick together' as much as possible ('kiemceltumor') [and not 'kiemcel tumor'].
I changed the word-order of the last phrase to make it more understandable and 'je vindt' is with -dt ofcource

There you are