Hi Xini
I'll take out the comma and put "of" back in. I lost "of" whilst doing an edit and didn't realise!!
Don't worry about me being patient,

this is your text and you know how you want it to "feel" at the end. Make as many suggestions or changes as you like, I'm more than happy about editing them.
How do you like
"WA(te)R represents the element Aqua as a source of profits and power rather than as a source of life."
"Wa(te)R represents the element Aqua as a source of gain and power rather than as a source of life"."
I would even suggest that if you are not too happy with the word "Aqua" in English you could put:
"...represents the Liquid Element as a source..."
In using the capitals it makes it obvious that we are talking aboout one of the four (major) elements and makes the beginning less ambiguous in English. I know I said it was OK at first, but more I see the phrase more I feel uncomfortable with "Aqua".
So the first phrase could read:
"WA(te)R represents the Liquid Element as a source of gain and power rather than as the source of Life."
Putting the capital at the word "Life" links it back to the "Liquid Element" (not only by the aliteration with the L, but also by repeated capitals) which reinforces the paradox itself. In a visual manner it makes it obvious that gain and power are incongruous in such an "equation". (If you see what I mean).
Let me know what suits you best. We can try several edits, its no bother to me. I like translating your work.

I'm very interested by your texts and hope I will be able to see your work for myself.
Tantine (the 7th Element!!!