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235Translation - English-Albanian - ♥☼ Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave...

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กลุ่ม Daily life - Love / Friendship

♥☼ Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave...
Submitted by stukje
Source language: English Translated by marhaban

♥☼ Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget. ☼♥

miqte e mire jan te veshtire per tu gjetur, akoma me te veshtire per tu lene.

Translated by nga une
Target language: Albanian

Miqte e mire jan te veshtire per tu gjetur, akoma me te veshtire per tu lene, dhe e pamundur per tu harruar.
Validated by nga une - 10 February 2008 19:47