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Перевод - Румынский-Английский - Soacra îşi invită ginerele la masă

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Soacra îşi invită ginerele la masă
Добавлено BudaBen
Язык, с которого нужно перевести: Румынский

Soacra îşi invită ginerele la masă. Ginerele, foarte suspicios, acceptă invitaţia... Pe masă, diferite salate, preparate din carne de pui, porc, cartofi vreo 3 feluri, deserturi, bere rece, vin, ... La un moment dat soacra iese la bucătărie. Ginerele apucă o bucăţică de carne şi i-o dă pisicii. Asta dupa 2, 3 crampe cade inertă sub masă. Nervos tare, apucă o cratiţă goală şi când intră soacra îi trage una de o lasă lată pe jos. La care pisica de sub masă: - YEESSSSSSS!! !!!!
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çevirirseniz sevinirim şimdiden teşekkürler...

Diacritics fixed after Maddie's suggestion. Before editing:
"Soacra isi invita ginerele la masa. Ginerele foarte suspicios, accepta invitatia... Pe masa, diferite salate, preparate din carne de pui, porc, cartofi vreo 3 feluri, deserturi, bere rece, vin, ... La un moment dat soacra iese la bucatarie. Ginerele apuca o bucatica de carne si i-o da pisicii. Asta dupa 2, 3 crampe cade inerta sub masa. Nervos tare, apuca o cratita goala si cand intra soacra ii trage una de o lasa lata pe jos. La care pisica de sub masa: - YEESSSSSSS!! !!!!"

The mother-in-law invites her son-in-law to lunch.

Перевод сделан MÃ¥ddie
Язык, на который нужно перевести: Английский

The mother-in-law invites her son-in-law to lunch. The son-in-law, very wary, accepts the invitation... On the table, different sorts of salads, chicken dishes, pork, 3 types of potatoes, sweets, cold beer, wine... At one point, the mother-in-law goes to the kitchen. The son-in-law grabs a little piece of meat and gives it to the cat. The cat, after two or three contractions, falls motionless under the table. Very mad, he grabs an empty pan and when the mother –in-law enters the room he hits her so hard that she falls down unconscious on the floor. As a reply, the cat says from under the table: — YEESSSSSSS!! !!!!
Последнее изменение было внесено пользователем lilian canale - 28 Сентябрь 2008 23:22

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27 Сентябрь 2008 21:48

lilian canale
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27 Сентябрь 2008 22:00

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28 Сентябрь 2008 20:32

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28 Сентябрь 2008 23:21

Кол-во сообщений: 5
the mother in law invites her son in law to dinner.The son in law verry suspicios accepts the invitation...On the table,diffrent kind of salads,chicken dishes,pork,about 3 types of potatoes,desserts,cold beer,wine,...At one poit the mother in law goes to the kitchen.The son in law take a piece of meat and gives it to the cat.The cat after 2,3 contractionsfall motionless under the table.Verry mad,he grabs a empty pan and when the mother in law comes in he hit her so that he let layed on the floor.
As a reply the cat from under the table-YEESSSSSSS!! !!!!