Cucumis - Бесплатная служба online перевода
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Перевод - Английский-Вьетнамский - Country

Текущий статусПеревод
Данный текст доступен на следующих языках: АнглийскийКаталанскийЯпонскийИспанскийФранцузскийЛитовскийБолгарскийАрабскийИтальянскийСербскийэстонскийНемецкийПортугальскийХиндиКитайскийКитайский упрощенный РусскийХорватскийВенгерскийКорейскийПерсидский языкКурдский языкТайскийАфрикаансВьетнамский
Запрошенные переводы: Урду

Добавлено cucumis
Язык, с которого нужно перевести: Английский



Перевод сделан Dingilwen
Язык, на который нужно перевести: Вьетнамский

Последнее изменение было внесено пользователем tele - 4 Июль 2012 11:59

Последнее сообщение


12 Май 2010 13:44

lilian canale
Кол-во сообщений: 14972
Hello Dingilwen,

Vietnamese is not among the languages in your profile. How did you manage to do this translation?
I must remind you that automatic translations are not allowed on Cucumis.

12 Май 2010 14:31

Кол-во сообщений: 3
Hello, Lilian.

You're right, Vietnamese is not there. I am not a native speaker and not fluent either. But I have done a month long intensive course in Vietnamese and still continue working with a native teacher. I just thought that it is a shame that such a simple word as 'country' has not been translated.

I'm not using automatic translations.

Thank you

12 Май 2010 15:03

lilian canale
Кол-во сообщений: 14972
Yes, it's a shame, indeed. We still have some interfaces to complete and the Vietnamese is one of them. Unfortunately, we don't have any expert for Vietnamese either, therefore we can't evaluate the translations done. Many people have already sent translations for these single words required by our webmaster, but they were obtained by using automatic tools like Google and we can't accept them. That's not our aim. We try to work with people who really master the languages we offer. We hope to find a native speaker who is willing to help us, but so far we haven't succeeded.
That's why we are so strict about this issue.

btw...welcome to