Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Results 39301 - 39320 of about 105991
<< Trang kế••••• 1466 •••• 1866 ••• 1946 •• 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 •• 1986 ••• 2066 •••• 2466 ••••• 4466 ••••••Trang trước >>
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Serbian Tacno je da ce nam alkohol skratiti zivot ali smo...
Tacno je da ce nam alkohol skratiti zivot ali smo bar videli dvostruko vise od ostalih

Completed translations
English It's true that alcohol...
Danish .Det er rigtigt, at alkohol forkorter vores liv.......
Source language
French je ne suis pas français.
je ne suis pas français.

Completed translations
Turkish Fransız değilim.
20Source language20
Danish Rigtigt hjerteligt tillykke med din fødselsdag...
Rigtigt hjerteligt tillykke med din fødselsdag min kære !
britisk som mellem sprog

Completed translations
English Really warm congratulations on your birthday, my dear!
Turkish doğüm günü
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Icelandic en já við höfum sama pabba/faðir hef það fínt en...
en já við höfum sama pabba/faðir hef það fínt en þú?

en hver sagði þér?
skilurdu ensku?

Completed translations
Danish men ja vi har samme far
10Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".10
Turkish Kinalim
Göz görmeyince gönül katlanır,
Ben sensizliğe neden katlanamıyorum?
HerÅŸey yerinde kalbimden baska,
Kalbimi sana verdim alamıyorum

Completed translations
Danish Ude af øje, ude af sind.
Source language
Icelandic Halló frábæri strákur, thúsund ...
Halló frábæri strákur, thúsund thakkir fyrir bréfid. kossar og fadmir Bryndis
Hej, vil du oversætte denne tekst

Completed translations
Danish Hej
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English An antidepressant is a psychiatric medication...
An antidepressant is a psychiatric medication used for alleviating major depression or dysthymia ('milder' depression). Drug groups known as MAOIs, tricyclics, and second-generation antidepressants such as SSRIs are particularly associated with the term. These medications are now amongst the drugs most commonly prescribed by psychiatrists and other physicians, and their effectiveness and adverse effects are the subject of many studies and competing claims.

Most antidepressants have a delayed onset of action and are usually taken over the course of weeks, months, or sometimes years. They are generally considered distinct from stimulants, and drugs used for an immediate euphoric effect only are not generally considered antidepressants. Despite the name, antidepressants are often used in the treatment of other conditions, including anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, and chronic pain. Some have also become known as lifestyle drugs or "mood brighteners".

Other medications that are not usually called antidepressants, including antipsychotics in low doses[1] and benzodiazepines,[2] may also be used to manage depression, though in the case of "Benzos", there is a serious risk of physical dependence. An extract of the herb St John's Wort is commonly used as an antidepressant, labeled as a dietary supplement in some countries. The term antidepressant is sometimes applied to any therapy (e.g. psychotherapy, electro-convulsive therapy, acupuncture) or process (e.g. sleep disruption, increased light levels, regular exercise) found to improve clinically depressed mood.

Completed translations
Turkish Antidepresanlar
Source language
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Swedish Den kungliga flottan har ...
Den kungliga flottan har attackerats och kungen ber om din hjälp. Hitta piraterna som seglar under flaggan "Röd Korsar" och döda 3 av dem. Om du lyckas kommer kungen att belöna dig rikligt..

Mål: Förgör angivna motståndare.

Completed translations
Turkish Kraliyet gemisi...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Swedish när du vågar visa upp dig i ...
när du vågar visa upp dig i besöksloggen så är du välkommen tillbaka

Completed translations
Turkish Ziyaretçi odasında ...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Russian Где ты, я бегу за тобою, разрываюсь мечтою,...
Где ты, я бегу за тобою, разрываюсь мечтою, расстворяясь в ночи, не молчи, вместе не встречать нам рассветы, в два конца две планеты, вдаль уносешься ты, ты..... Ты мужчина моей мeчты, хочу только тебя. Ты смысол моей жизни, я живу только мыслями о тебе, я тебя люблю....
selam şimdiden ilginize teşekkürler

Completed translations
Turkish sen nerdesin
Source language
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Turkish bana bu mesaji Almancaya cevirebilirmisiniz
Iyi geceler,rahatsiz ediyor isem ozur dilerim.mesajini aldigimda isteydim,cevap yazamadim.tesekkur etmene gerek yok yardimi olur ise sevinirim ama sanirim termin cok zor aliniyomus.sen eniyisi cocuk doktoru ile gorus,o seni gondersin hem masrafi odemene gerek kalmaz.bende sana cok tesekkur ederim benim icin sefin ile gorustugun icin dusunecegim karar verdigim zaman bildiririm.artik sansima olursa.ama su an kararsizim.tekrar tesekkurler gorusmek uzere LG ....

Completed translations
German Guten Abend....
Source language
French Vouz avez souhaité recevoir une information sur...
Vouz avez souhaité recevoir une information sur les derniers paiements effectués en votre faveur. voici le détail des prestations versées par note institution.
paiement du 31.03.2008
au titre de votre pension de retraite de btr-retraite
Pour la pérode du 01.04.2008 au 30.06.2008
Par Virement Etranger domicilié sur votre compte
montant brut:
Charges sociales:
Récupération sur créances:
abonnement Fil des Ans et/ou Cotisation Frais médicaux:
Montant net payé:

Completed translations
Turkish Emeklilik maaşı
Source language
Swedish Till alla föraldrar med barn på Prästkragen ...
Till alla föraldrar med barn på Prästkragen

Omsorg om det enskilda barnets välbefinnande, trygghet, utveckling och lärande, ska prägla verksamheten.

Completed translations
Turkish Prästkragen'de cocuklari olan butun ebeveynlere.
Source language
Icelandic Málsókn út af dónalegum Kristi
Styttan var meðal tuga annarra í innsetningu kínverska listamannsins Terence Koh.
Translate literally into US English in the remarks about the translation box.

Completed translations
English The statue was among ten other installations by Chinese artist Terence Koh.
French La statue était parmi dix autres installations de l'artiste chinois Terence Koh.
Source language
French Mon homme, ma vie,
Tu es mon homme
Tu es ma vie
J’aimerais me blottir dans tes bras
Sentir ton corps contre mon corps
Qu’ensemble nous fassions plus qu’un
Tu es ma joie de vivre
Tu es mon cœur, mon corps, et mon âme
Tous les jours et toutes les nuits tu es dans mes pensées
Toi que j’aime tant
Aujourd’hui cela fait un an et 1 mois que nous sommes ensemble
Je veux vivre à tes côtés toute ma vie,
Que nous construisions notre famille.
Je t’aime et je t’aimerai toute ma vie.

Completed translations
Turkish ErkeÄŸim
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Norwegian Kjære Mor! Hvordan har du det? Jeg har det...
Kjære Mor!

Hvordan har du det?
Jeg har det veldig godt. Det var så fantastisk å få møte deg. Det er det beste som noen gang har hendt meg. Takk for at du lot det skje. Jeg vet at det må ha vært veldig tøft for deg. Jeg er veldig takknemmelig.
Av de bildene jeg har fått av deg, så jeg aldri at vi liknet så mye på hverandre. Det var ikke bare utseende som var likt, men også måten å være på.
Jeg sender med kopi av bildene som ble tatt da jeg var på besøk.

Vennlig hilsen Dencie karin

Completed translations
German Liebe Mutter, Wie geht es dir? Mir geht es ...
Source language
Lithuanian Šiuo laišku patvirtiname, jog apmokėjimas 9600...
Šiuo laišku patvirtiname, jog apmokėjimas 9600 Eur sumai yra gautas.

Completed translations
English With this letter we confirm that the total amount of EUR 9600...
10Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".10
Hebrew הוזה אותך מולי
היינו זוג כל כך מושלם את ואני
והיום כבר לא רואים אחד את השני

לא חבל על שנינו את זה לא הבנתי
ני לי הזדמנות אני עייפתי
מה אני עשיתי מה כבר
העולם מחדיר לי פחד
ואני כבר לא אני
כי את כבר לא איתי
הייתי כה רגוע עכשיו הלב פצוע
הראש רק בך שקוע הוזה אותך מולי
תדעי שאת הולכת הים סוער אין שקט
ורק דמעות זולגות שוטפות את כל כולי
מה איתך ילדה אולי ספרי לי
שתיקתך שמרה קול בתוכי
מה אני עשיתי
את הדבר הכי יקר לקחתי
לאהוב אותך לעד נשבעתי

Completed translations
Spanish Te veo delante mio
Source language
Turkish çok şanslıyım
çok şanslıyım

Completed translations
German Ich
<< Trang kế••••• 1466 •••• 1866 ••• 1946 •• 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 •• 1986 ••• 2066 •••• 2466 ••••• 4466 ••••••Trang trước >>