Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Tìm kiếm
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Results 40201 - 40220 of about 105991
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Source language
Latinh Meus Curator Angelus
Meus Curator Angelus

Completed translations
Spanish Mi Ángel de la Guarda
Swedish Min skyddsängel
Source language
Turkish nasılsın iyi geceler
nasılsın iyi geceler

Completed translations
Spanish ¿Cómo estás? ¡Buenas noches!
English How are you? Good evening!
Source language
Turkish <3<3<3
Sen var ya sen aynı sigaram gibisin.
dumanı gözlerin, külü dudakların.
yalnız aranızda bir fark var
sigaramı ben, beni ise sen yakıyorsun

Completed translations
English You! Yes, you! You are just like my cigarette
Source language
Spanish A partir de 1 de enero de 2007, la Sociedad ha...
A partir de 1 de enero de 2007, la Sociedad ha pasado a utilizar el criterio de ejecución para el reconocimiento de ingresos. hasta ese momento, el criterio utilizado para dicho reconocimiento de ingresos era la menor cifra entre la ejecución y la producción de cada proyecto (entendiendo como producción la facturación efectuada). Para calcular el grado de ejecución de cada proyecto se toman en cuenta los costes totales incurridos en cada proyecto y se aplica el margen previsto del mismo, y siempre teniendo como límite máximo para la ejecución el importe total contratado con el cliente.

Completed translations
English From January 1st, 2007...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Russian Самашкинский батальон
Самашкинский батальон преодолевая заслоны Урус-Мартановских предателей и обстрел села Гойское (25 марта 1996 года) с раненными и больными простудными заболеваниями братьями по оружию (не простым насморком) прибыли в село Саади-Котар. Состояние батальона было удручающим не только в плане ранений и заболеваний но и от психологических нагрузок связанных с недосыпанием, постоянными штурмами и потерей близких людей. Командир батальона Абдулаев Салавди тяжело больной находился в постельном режиме

Completed translations
Turkish SamaÅŸkinski Taburu...
Source language
French J'adore ce qui me brûle
J'adore ce qui me brûle

Completed translations
English I love what burns me.
Source language
Latinh Piratae viros et feminas liberosque necant et...
Piratae viros et feminas liberosque necant et delent domos.
Magistrum, sed et te invito.
Vore tacksam för översättning till något av följande språk:

svenska,nederländska,engelska,tyska,franska, norska eller danska

Completed translations
Swedish Pirater dödar...
French Les pirates tuent les hommes, les ...
English Pirates kill men and women with children and
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish hello K.
merhaba K. nasilsin internetten ceviri sitesi buldum ve sana bu mesaji irlandaca yazıyorum seni cok ozledim yakında uluslar arası telefon karti alıcam en kisa zamanda gorusmek dilegiyle sevgiler Batu
<name abbrev.>

Completed translations
English hello K.
Source language
Portuguese Estimados clientes
Informamos que de novembro a fevereiro
só servimos bebidas.


Completed translations
English Dear customers
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English modem
The number of faulty seconds at the
E1 input exceeds the selected threshold value.

Completed translations
Turkish modem
Source language
English Absolutely, the studio can grant you the 10K that...
Absolutely, the studio can grant you the 10K that is needed for the filming. No need to pay me, the studio will note it as marketing costs as it is your first video :) But in future you will need to pay yourself.
Remember that you will need to book the filming 24 hours ahead, make sure you have a video director in the locale and chose a locale in good quality. Filming takes 5 hours.

Completed translations
Turkish Kesinlikle stüdyo size filming için gereken 10K'yi verebilir.
Source language
French J'espérais te trouver ce soir online mais peut...
J'espérais te trouver ce soir online mais peut être que je suis arrivée un peu tard. À demain alors. Bonne nuit et fais de beaux rêves.
Je t'embrasse très fort

Completed translations
Turkish Yarın görüşürüz
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
German Die Katze lässt das Sausen nicht: Nachdem die...
Die Katze lässt das Sausen nicht: Nachdem die haus-internen Kostenkontrolleure den Traum von einer Leicht¬bauvariante platzen ließen, be¬glückt Jaguar seine Fans zum 60. Geburtstag der XK-Baurei¬he mit einem sportlich ange¬schärften Editionsmodell des XKR.Das Fahrwerk blieb trotz gesunder Grundhärte geschmei¬dig genug, um Tweed tragenden Herrenfahrern nicht beim erstbesten Kanaldeckel die Pfeife aus dem Gesicht fallen zu lassen. Seinem Fahrer passt der Jaguar wie ein Maßhemd aus der Londoner Jermyn Street.
almancadan türkçeye

Completed translations
Turkish Kedi hızdan vazgeçmiyor...
Source language
Italian Grazie a te ho imparato che un sorriso, uno...
Grazie a te ho imparato che un sorriso, uno sguardo, una carezza, un abbraccio possono dare molto di piu di una vita di parole e discorsi, possono arrivare dritti al cuore di chi ti sta difronte!ti abbraccio e ti bacio con tutta la forza e la dolcezza che possiedo!

Completed translations
Turkish Sana teşekkür ederim ki ......
Source language
English Everything that you feed will grow
Everything that you feed will grow
What I want to say with this sentence, is that every feeling that you put effort into, will grow. If you act on your bad thoughts, this will grow. You should give into the positive ones :)
If there is an other way to say this, alternatives are welcome!

Completed translations
Spanish Todo lo que alimentes crecerá.
Latinh Omnia quod nutres crescet
Thai ปลูกอะไรย่อมได้อย่างนั้น
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian no k dici??? te l'hanno registrata? io n l'ho mai...
no k dici? te l'hanno registrata? io n l'ho mai vista!
modestamente prima ad essere intervistata! cmq tt bn....tu k m racconti t bn? ho visto andrea un paio d settimane fa...tu in giro mai eh?! evanescente ? prrrr

Completed translations
Swedish Nej, vad säger du?....
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