Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Completed translations

Tìm kiếm
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Target language

Results 40261 - 40280 of about 105991
<< Trang kế••••• 1514 •••• 1914 ••• 1994 •• 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 •• 2034 ••• 2114 •••• 2514 ••••• 4514 ••••••Trang trước >>
Source language

Completed translations
English city
Source language
English banished
you banished my count.
my ID: BrunoBrasil

you can see that I did not do anything of missed to be banished.
I like playing very much the pangya kr.


Completed translations
Tiếng Hàn 추방당함
Source language
Bosnian Moja Ljubav prema tebi traja ce vijecno.
Moja Ljubav prema tebi traja ce vijecno.
Mein Freund hat mir diesen Text geschrieben. Kann ihn mir bitte jemand übersetzten. Vielen Dank

Completed translations
German Moja Ljubav prema tebi traja ce vijecno.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish 1982′de Erzincan’da ilkogretim ve Universite...
1982′de Erzincan’da ilkogretim ve Universite Egitimini Hollanda’da Tamamladi. Universite’de

Completed translations
German Die...
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Está tudo bem. Ela me disse que estava passando...
Está tudo bem, Frau Mueller, não tem problema. Ela me disse que estava passando por uns problemas na família e que estava tendo muito trabalho. Eu entendo que deve ser um momento muito difícil, então não vejo problemas em esperar mais um pouquinho. De acordo com o Consulado tenho até o fim do mês para dar entrada no pedido de visto com tranquilidade.

Completed translations
German Alles in Ordnung.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Sevmekmi ? Hiç tatmadim ! Ya Gülmek ? çoktan...
Sevmekmi ? Hiç tatmadim ! Ya Gülmek ? çoktan unuttum ! YasAmakmi ? BosVer ! ASK NEMI BÜYÜK BIR YALAN ! Mutsuzlukmu ? IsTe O Benim Dünyam !

Completed translations
French Aimer ? Je n'ai jamais éprouvé !
English To Love? I never experienced!
Dutch Houden van? Nooit gekend! En lachen? allang
Italian Amare ? Non l'ho mai provato !......
German Zu lieben? Noch nie erlebt!...
Source language
Bulgarian бастун

Completed translations
English walking stick
Japanese 杖
Chinese 手杖
Tiếng Hàn 지팡이
Source language
French Salut! ça a l'air bon, c'est une photo prise en...
Salut! ça a l'air bon, c'est une photo prise en
Chine? C'est bien une cuillère chinoise non? Tu es déjà allé la bas?

Completed translations
English Hello!
Tiếng Hàn 안녕!
Source language
English pretty apple
pretty apple
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
Russian красивое яблоко
Serbian lepa jabuka
Tiếng Hàn 예쁜 사과
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English Rock the hell outta you
Rock the hell outta you

Completed translations
Turkish Dışındaki cehennemi salla.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
German ich kenne nicht.ich sehe dich doch
Ich weiß nicht. Ich sehe dich doch.
corrected <italo>

Completed translations
Turkish Bilmiyorum ama ...
Portuguese Não sei, mas eu vejo-te.
Source language
Spanish Mi niño TE QUIERO. Eres lo mejor que me ha...
Mi niño TE QUIERO. Eres lo mejor que me ha pasado. No me dejes nunca. Contigo he aprendido a AMAR.

Completed translations
Hungarian Gyermekem,Szeretlek.A legjobb ...
Arabic انا احبك يا ولدي...
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