Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Completed translations

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Source language
French bonjour,j'espère que vous allez bien le moral et...
Bonjour,j'espère que vous allez bien le moral et la santé, nous nous allons bien, ELFIE va bien, elle grandit et elle commence à parler, elle prend le temps mais surtout le plus difficile c'est qu'elle demande son papa,c'est très dur car il me manque énormément aussi je pense à lui tous les jours c'est dommage que j'habite loin car au moins j'aurais pu aller sur sa tombe le plus souvent possible.Peut-être que cet été je viendrai au Portugal avec mon père car il aimerait bien vous voir, et moi aussi vous me manquez. Je vous embrasse très fort ainsi que les enfants et un gros gros bisou de votre petite fille ELFIE, et j'espère vous voir bientôt
je vous remercie d'avance de pouvoir m'aider car je n'ai aucun contact avec mes beau parents sachant que mon ami est décédé je ne parle pas un mot portugais donc il n'y a que vous qui pouvez m'aider à envoyer des nouvelles de leur petite fille merci

Completed translations
Portuguese Olá, espero que vocês estejam bem de ânimo e saúde.
Source language
Hungarian Kata vagyok, a Pepsi elfogyott, de van helyette...
Kata vagyok, a Pepsi elfogyott, de van helyette valami izgalmasabb, nezd meg:

Completed translations
Portuguese Sou a Kata. A Pepsi acabou...
Source language
Hungarian Csak arra vágyom, hogy veled legyek
Csak arra vágyom, hogy veled legyek

Completed translations
Portuguese Eu só quero ficar contigo.
Source language
German Ich liebe dich über alles mein Schatz.
Ich liebe dich über alles mein Schatz.

Completed translations
Portuguese Amo-te acima de tudo meu amor.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hungarian kellemes karacsonyi ünnepeket
kellemes karacsonyi ünnepeket és boldog uj évet kivanok!!!
Inglês de Inglaterra
Português de Portugal

Completed translations
English I wish you Merry Christmas
Portuguese Eu desejo-te um Feliz Natal
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Portuguese Este tipo tem um computador portátil
Este tipo tem um computador portátil, não estou habituada

Completed translations
Swedish denna kille har en portabel dator
Danish Denne knægt har en bærbar computer;
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Finnish Hyvän mainoksen pitää olla piristävä ja siinä saa...
Hyvän mainoksen pitää olla piristävä ja siinä saa olla huumoria mukana eikä se saa olla liioiteltu. Mainoksen naisen ilme ei näytä aidolta eikä sen takia ole paras mahdollinen ilme. Mainoksessa pitäisi olla mahdollisimman luonnollisen näköinen, jottei siitä tulisi liian tyrkyttävän oloista.
Väreillä saa helposti ihmisen mielenkiinnon heräämään. Tässä mainoksessa on käytetty hyvin värejä, joka saa hyvin mielenkiinnon heräämään. Mainos on mielestäni muuten hyvä, mutta liioitteleva ilme pilaa mainoksen.

Completed translations
Swedish ´Den goda reklamen ska vara uppiggande och
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Haja o que houver,
Haja o que houver, distribua confiança e bom-ânimo, porque a alegria é talvez a única dádiva que você é capaz de ofertar sem possuir.

Completed translations
Swedish Vad som än händer,
Norwegian Hva som enn hender,
Finnish Mitä tahansa tapahtuukaan,
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish yok arkadaslar yok, ben bastan beri divom bu...
yok arkadaslar yok, ben bastan beri diyom bu boyle olmaz diveeee.

Completed translations
English sfsvf
Spanish No amigos...
Source language
Arabic ريادة ريادة السوق ريادة تكنولوجية
ريادة السوق
ريادة تكنولوجية
Ce sont des termes économiques relatifs aux opérations de fusions-acquisitions.

Completed translations
English Entrepreneurship; Market Entrepreneurship; Technological Entrepreneurship
French Entrepreneuriat! Le marché de l'entrepreuneuriat! La
Source language
Arabic مجلس استشاري
مجلس استشاري

Completed translations
French Conseil consultatif
Source language
Bulgarian Мисля че трябва да се вземе от тези,които имат...
Мисля че трябва да се вземе от тези,които имат повече и да се даде на тези които имат по малко.Хората,които имат повече възможност да помогнат на по бедните,защото не се знае в следващия момент дали няма да се наложи и на тях някой да помогне.Нека да сме малко по-добри,когато имаме повече възможност да помагаме на хората,които нямат нищо.защото парите са нещо,което днес го имаш,а утре не.Нека бъдем по-добри и да помагаме с каквото можем,когато имаме възможност

Completed translations
French Je pense qu’on doit prendre à ceux qui ont...
Source language
Greek υψηλό έγχρωμο πρόσωπο,
υψηλό έγχρωμο πρόσωπο, όμορφος και αισθησιακός. Ίσως είμαι η λύση του προβλήματός του. Στοργικός, αγαπώντας επαγγελματίας
υψηλό έγχρωμο πρόσωπο, όμορφος και αισθησιακός. Ίσως είμαι η λύση του προβλήματός του. Στοργικός, αγαπώντας επαγγελματίας

Completed translations
English Tall...
French Grand, brun...
Portuguese brazilian moreno alto...
215Source language215
English live for today, learn from yesterday and hope for tomorrow.
live for today, learn from yesterday and hope for tomorrow.

Completed translations
French Vis pour le présent, apprends du passé, espère pour
Turkish gün
Italian vivere oggi, imparare ...
Spanish vive por hoy
Greek Ζήσε
Bulgarian Живей за днес..
Latinh Vive pro hodierno
Romanian Trăieşte pentru astăzi, învaţă de la ziua de ieri şi speră pentru mâine.
Arabic عش اليوم و تعلم من الامس و أمل في الغد
Russian Живи сегодняшним днем
Norwegian Lev idag
Swedish Lev för idag, lär från igår och ...
Hebrew חיה את היום, למד מן האתמול וקווה למחר
Finnish Elä tätä päivää..
Polish Żyj dla dnia dzisiejszego!
Dutch live for today, learn from yesterday and hope for tomorrow
Portuguese brazilian Viva para o hoje, aprenda com o ontem e tenha esperança no amanhã.
Catalan Viu avui, apren d'ahir i tingues esperança en demà.
Ukrainian живи сьогодні, вчися вчорашнім і сподівайся на завтра.
German Lebe für heute...
Hungarian Élj a mának, tanulj a tegnapból és reménykedj a holnapban.
Turkish Bugün'ü yaşa...
Albanian jeto te sotmen, meso nga e djeshmja dhe shpreso per te nesermen.
Source language
Turkish bakalım,ekleyebilirsem 2 sini de yolluyorum... ...
bakalım,ekleyebilirsem 2 sini de yolluyorum... daha iyi....1. de kafa bulmus gibi çıkmış.....

Completed translations
English pics?
French photos?
Source language
English Qote
Dont worry, be happy.
It's not really a sentence, I know, but I kind of need it translated, please.

Completed translations
French Ne t'en fais pas
10Source language10
English The Nameless
I never wanted anybody more than I wanted you. I know, the only thing I ever really loved was hate.

Completed translations
Russian Анонимный
Serbian Bezimeni
French Je n'ai jamais désiré...
Source language
Spanish No sé cómo explicarte
No sé cómo explicarte que me gustaría tener el bebé ya que él no tiene culpa de nada, pero la realidad es que no podría estar contigo en este momento. Para que me entiendas, el bebé lo sé que debe nacer con los padres juntos. Por eso creo que la mayor decisión debes tomarla tú. Espero que me entiendas. Bueno, cuidate mucho. Cualquier decisión házmela saber, por favor.
The about text is an email sent from someone I care about who is overseas and at the moment we cannot be together. I am pregnant with his child and have asked for him to communicate with me in further detail. For him to do this, he had to reply to my email in Cuban Spanish. The problem is that I have been unable to get a correct or precise translation to reply to his email.

As you can imagine I would be extremely grateful for this email to be translated correctly.

Kind Regards

-----------diacritics edited <Lilian>
Before edition:
no se como esplicarte que me gustaria tener el bebe ya que el no tiene curpa de nada pero la realidad es que no pudiera estar contigo en este momento para que me entiendas el bebe lo se que debe naser con los padre juntos por eso creo que la mayor desision debes tomarla tu espero que me entiendas bueno cuidate mucho cualquier desision hasmelo saber por fabor

Completed translations
English I don't know how to explain to you
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