Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Swedish Milan är dom bästa
Milan är dom bästa

Completed translations
Italian Milan è il migliore
Source language
Portuguese brazilian por que me odeia tanto? que mal te fiz? eu ja...
por que me odeia tanto? que mal te fiz? eu ja entendi que vc nao quer casar comigo nem quer ser meu namorado eu acho que diate de tudo poderiamos ser amigos, vc tem que entender que vc querendo ou nao é o pai do joao pedro ao menos a sua amizade gostaria de ter porque eu gosto muito de vc como uma pessoa importante em minha vida

Completed translations
Italian Perché mi odii tanto?
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Estonian da una ragazza estone
kùmme tuhat suudlust sulle igale poole - tunnen ikkagi sinust suurt puudust !!
non credo ci siano parole ambigue.
é una ragazza estone che scrive a un ragazzo

Completed translations
English I miss you
Italian mi manchi
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Bulgarian ami pazq
ami pazq se az dokolkoto moga;)))i az iskam lqtoto ve4e i da se vidim iskam;)))a tuka sega vali snqg i kvo da ti kaja..ahahah mnoo zle+stranno;)kak q kara6 ti?gleam po polqnki se tarkalq6 ahah:P

Completed translations
Italian Ehm...Mi curo
Source language
English Corinna's Going A-Maying
Get up, get up for shame! the blooming morn
Upon her wings presents the god unshorn.
See how Aurora throws her fair
Fresh-quilted colours through the air!
Get up, sweet slug-a-bed, and see
The dew bespangled herb and tree.
Each flower has wept and bowed toward the east
Above an hour since, -yet you not dressed;
Nay! not so much as out of bed?
When all the birds have matins said
And sung their thankful hymns, 'tis sin -
Nay, profanation -to keep in,
Whenas a thousand virgins on this day
Spring sooner than the lark, to fetch in May.

Rise, and put on your foliage, and be seen
To come forth, like the springtime, fresh and green
And sweet as Flora. Take no care
For jewels for your gown or hair:
Fear not, the leaves will strew
Gems in abundance upon you:
Besides, the childhood of the day has kept,
Against you come, some orient pearls unwept.
Come, and receive them while the light
Hangs on the dew-locks of the night:
And Titan on the eastern hill
Retires himself, or else stands still
Till you come forth. Wash, dress, be brief in praying:
Few beads are best when once we go a-Maying.

Come, my Corinna, come; and coming, mark
How each field turns a street, each street a park
Made green and trimmed with trees! See how
Devotion gives each house a bough
Or branch! Each porch, each door, ere this
An ark, a tabernacle is,
Made up of whitethorn neatly interwove,
As if here were those cooler shades of love.
Can such delights be in the street
And open fields and we not see 't?
Come, we'll abroad; and let's obey
The proclamation made for May,
And sin no more, as we have done, by staying;
But, my Corinna, come, let's go a-Maying.

There's not a budding boy or girl this day
But is got up and gone to bring in May.
A deal of youth, ere this, is come
Back, and with whitethorn laden, home.
Some have dispatched their cakes and cream,
Before that we have left to dream;
And some have wept and wooed and plighted troth,
And chose their priest, ere we can cast off sloth:
Many a green-gown has been given,
Many a kiss, both odd and even;
Many a glance too has been sent
From out the eye, love's firmament;
Many a jest told of the key's betraying
This night, and locks picked: yet we're not a-Maying!

Come, let us go while we are in our prime,
And take the harmless folly of the time!
We shall grow old apace, and die
Before we know our liberty.
Our life is short, and our days run
As fast away as does the sun;
And, as a vapour or a drop of rain,
Once lost can ne'er be found again;
So when or you or I are made
A fable, song, or fleeting shade,
All love, all liking, all delight
Lies drowned with us in endless night.
Then while time serves, and we are but decaying,
Come, my Corinna, come, let's go a-Maying!
A poetry of Robert Herrick


Completed translations
Italian Corinna sta andando verso Maggio
Source language
Turkish 2=1
kim o deme boÅŸuna
benim ben
öyle bir ben ki gelen kapına
baÅŸtan baÅŸa sen.
bir bayan, eşi için söylüyor..

Completed translations
English Don't say: "who is it?" in vain.
Italian Non dire: <<chi è?>> invano.
Source language
Irish Música A Dream That Only I Can Know Jen Mahoney
Eist le mo chroí
Is é leanúint ailsing'
Is é ag gabháil go háit
Nach eol ach dom féin
Ní heol do mo chroí
Ach an aisling a leanúint
Nach féidir ach liomsa a haithint
Nach féidir ach liomsa a haithint
O inglês é britânico

Completed translations
English Listen to my heart
Portuguese brazilian Ouça meu coração
Dự án - Wordia Source language
English Welcome to Wordia! Wordia is currently not...
Welcome to Wordia!
Wordia is currently not available in (#).
Wordia is a free online service for learning words in foreign languages.
Please help us to translate this website into (#).
The site is named "Wordia" and this name shall not be translated. "(#)" shall be replaced by the name of the language you are translating to.

English example: "... not available in English." and "... this website into English."
Swedish example: "... inte tillgänglig på Svenska." and "... denna hemsida till svenska."

Please use the English version as reference.

Completed translations
French Un site internet...
Danish Velkommen til Wordia
Spanish ¡Bienvenido(a) a Wordia!
Italian Benvenuto in Wordia!
Norwegian Velkommen til Wordia! Wordia er ikke tilgjengelig...
German Wilkommen bei Wordia! Wordia is zur Zeit nicht...
Latvian Sveicināti Wordia.
Russian Добро пожаловать в Wordia!
Greek Καλωσορίσατε στην Wordia!
Polish Witamy w Wordia! Wordia jest chwilowo...
Dutch Welkom bij Wordia!
Czech Vítejte na Wordia!
Hungarian Isten hozott a Wordiánál! A Wordia jelenleg nem...
Portuguese Bem-vindo(a) ao Wordia!
Icelandic Velkomin(n) á Wordia!
Finnish Tervetuloa Wordian sivustolle! Wordia ei ole tällä hetkellä...
Estonian Teretulemast Wordiasse!
Lithuanian Wordia
Source language
Italian Siamo lieti di potervi scrivere in relazione alla...
Siamo lieti di potervi scrivere in relazione alla preziosa opera che state svolgendo nel campo di lingua romena.
In Proverbi 15:30 si legge che "la notizia che è buona fa ingrassare le ossa". Questo è ciò che abbiamo provato ogni qualvolta abbiamo ricevuto notizie da parte del sorvegliante di circoscrizione sulla vostra zelante attività.
La Torre di Guardia del 15 febbraio 2008, a pagina 17, al paragrafo 5, riporta questo incoraggiante

Completed translations
Romanian Suntem încântaţi să vă putem scrie în legătură cu...
Source language
Serbian Zovem se Roxy. Imam 15 godina! Volim da pricham...
Zovem se Roxy. Imam 15 godina! Volim da pricham strane jezike!Pricham srpski,engleski,nemacki,spanski i estonski! Kako se ti zoves? Koliko imas godina? Odakle si? Puno pozdrava od Roxy!

Completed translations
Swedish Jag heter....
Dutch Ik heet Roxy.
Estonian Minu nimi on roxy
Source language
Portuguese Eu espero que você perca seus itens.
Eu espero que você perca seus itens.

Completed translations
Dutch Ik hoop dat je je voorwerpen verliest.
Source language
Turkish neden yağmur hep benim üzerime yağar
neden yağmur hep benim üzerime yağar

Completed translations
Danish Hvorfor regner det altid på mig?
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
French À cercetais moments, il a même l'air d'être tombé...
À cercetais moments, il a même l'air d'être tombé de la lune. Très naïf, très doux, il se laisse mener par le bout du nez et tromper le plus facilement du monde. Il a un besoin perpétuel de s'ébahir et d'admirer, une soif d'extraordinaire et de merveilleux, et aussi une tendance à s'humilier devant tout ce qui le dépasse et comme un goÛt inné de rendre service. Il est bon et il est courageux.

Completed translations
Romanian În anumite momente, are chiar aerul de a fi căzut ...
Source language
French Superman est un être vraiment étrange.
Superman est un être vraiment étrange.

Completed translations
Romanian Superman este o fiinţă cu adevarat ciudată.
Source language
Swedish Du är mitt allt och jag älskar dig av hela mitt...
Du är mitt allt och jag älskar dig av hela mitt hjärta.
Original before edits: "Du är mitt allt och jag älskar dig över hela mitt hjärta".

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Você
Danish Elske dig
Icelandic þú ert mitt allt, og ég elska þig af öllu hjarta
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