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Dịch - Serbian-English - Sladja Delibasic - Sedmi Sprat

Current statusDịch
This text is available in the following languages: SerbianEnglish

Nhóm chuyên mục Song

This translation request is "Meaning only".
Sladja Delibasic - Sedmi Sprat
Submitted by miyabi
Source language: Serbian

Pritisni dugme, pritisni dugme
sedmi sprat
nista licno, nista licno

Dobro te znam, dobro te znam
ti bi broj da ti dam
pa bi onda nesto vise
ja sam sama, ti si sam
al' necu da ti dam

Necu da ti dam, vidi koji si blam
koji si blam, dobro te znam
dobro te znam ne nisam ja od juce
i sve muske price znam
meni isto tako zvuce
daj ostavi me sad budi dobro kuce

Kola, stan hej, kola, stan
ti si jedini osiguran
nece moci, nece moci
da ti se posreci ove noci

Jer kod mene s' tim ne mozes proci
nisam pijana i nece moci
nisam ni luda nece moci
dobro te znam nece moci

Ref. 2x
Sedmi sprat i mrak u stanu
znam da imas to u planu
da mi pokazes kol'ko si jak
bas se vidi da si lak
bas se vidi tako si lak

Ref. 2x

Stigli smo na sedmi sprat
stigla si na sedmi sprat
nista licno, nista licno, nista licno
al' meni nesto drugo fali
ego ti je veliki a obraz ti je mali
nista licno znaj
ti nisi nivo moj, ti nisi nivo moj

Ref. 4x
Remarks about the translation
It's just another song I like... ^^ I would like to ask the translator to please include a little dictionary in the comments area so that I could actually remember some of the words. Something along the lines of "moci" = "???".

Thank you in advance!!~ Hvala. (I think...)

Slađa Delibašić/Sladja Delibasic- Seventh Floor

Translated by Roller-Coaster
Target language: English

Push the button, push the button,
Seventh floor,
Nothing personal, nothing personal.

I know you well enough, I know you well enough,
You want me to give you my number,
Then you'll want something more,
I'm alone, you're alone,
But I won't give it to you.

I won't give (it) to you, look how pathetic you are,
How pathetic you are, I know you very well,
I know you very well, no, I was not born yesterday,
And I know all men's stories,
They all sound the same to me,
Common, leave me alone, be a good puppy.

A car, an apartment, hey, a car, an apartment,
You're the only one with capital,
No way, no way,
You won't get lucky this night.

I'm not buying that,
I'm not drunk and no way,
I'm not crazy either and no way,
I know you well, no way.

Refrain 2x
The seventh floor and darkness inside the apartment,
I know you have it on your mind,
To show me how strong you are,
I can see how easy you are,
I can see you are so easy.

Refrain 2x
We are on the seventh floor,
You are on the seventh floor,
Nothing personal, nothing personal, nothing personal,
But I am lacking something else,
Your ego is big but your honour is small,
Nothing personal, you know,
You are not on my level, you are not on my level.
Refrain 4x
Remarks about the translation
Honour(BE) = honor (AE)
Validated by kafetzou - 23 Tháng 3 2008 18:45

Bài gửi sau cùng

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9 Tháng 3 2008 19:57

lilian canale
Tổng số bài gửi: 14972
I would point out just two minor corrections ...

I know you well enough


They all sound the same to me,

9 Tháng 3 2008 20:08

Tổng số bài gửi: 930
Ohh, thanks Lilian

11 Tháng 3 2008 23:12

Tổng số bài gửi: 2747
Hi Bojana, Hi Lilly

The English looks good, I've set a poll, let's wait and see...


18 Tháng 3 2008 11:20

Tổng số bài gửi: 1206
Svaka ti čast na prevodu! Samo sam htela da te pitam što nisi prevela poslednja dva reda?
"Ništa lično znaj
ti nisi nivo moj, ti nisi nivo moj."
Veliki pozdrav!

18 Tháng 3 2008 13:08

Tổng số bài gửi: 249
Very good indeed, however I have capitalized certain corrections down bellow;

won't give (it) to you,
look how pathetic you are,
How pathetic you are,
I know you very well,
I know you very well, no,
And I know all men's stories,
They all sound THE same to me,
Common, leave me alone, be a good puppy.

You're the only one with capital,
No way, no way,
You won't get lucky this night.

Refrain 2x
The seventh floor and darkNESS inside the apartment,
I know you have it on your mind,
To show me how strong you are,
I can see how easy you are,
I can see you are so easy.
Refrain 2x
We are on the seventh floor,
You are on the seventh floor,
Nothing personal, nothing personal, nothing personal,
BUT I am MISSING something else,
Your ego is big but your HONOR is small.
Refrain 4x

nista licno znaj – NOTHING PERSONAL, YOU KNOW,
ti nisi nivo moj, ti nisi nivo moj – “YOU ARE NOT MY LEVEL, YOU ARE NOT MY LEVEL”

18 Tháng 3 2008 18:25

Tổng số bài gửi: 930
Thank you all, I'll edit it right now.

I'm sorry, I really didn't see last two rows

19 Tháng 3 2008 15:45

Tổng số bài gửi: 2747
Hi Bojana Hi Iakil

"We are divergent" doesn't convey much too me or rather, it has too many possible interpretations.

I just wondered: if we add the word "on" => "you are not on my level" would that fit?


19 Tháng 3 2008 15:55

Tổng số bài gửi: 930
That would be just fine

19 Tháng 3 2008 16:08

Tổng số bài gửi: 1180
Maybe "you are unlike me" , I guess.

19 Tháng 3 2008 17:05

Tổng số bài gửi: 249
It's fine.

19 Tháng 3 2008 17:07

Tổng số bài gửi: 7963
Oops - Tantine, what happened here? It looks like I set the poll rather than you - what was the sequence of events, and should I leave this one for you to finish up?

22 Tháng 3 2008 05:12

Tổng số bài gửi: 16
"You want me to give you my number,"

You want me to give you my phone number

Mislim da je bolje ovako prevesti jer pisac je mislio na broj telefona. U engleskom se nece skontati o kojem se to broju radi. Cipele ili ?

22 Tháng 3 2008 11:09

Tổng số bài gửi: 2747
Hi Kafetzou

Awfully sorry

I don't know how it happened (sometimes my javascript doesn't work and when I click for a poll it doesn't always work. Maybe it is linked to this problem).

I'll leave it to you since the poll is in you name , I don't mind at all.


22 Tháng 3 2008 16:35

Tổng số bài gửi: 98
Thank you very much for the translation... just one thing - I could really use a small dictionary, in the remarks section. I actually wrote this request in the remarks section , myself, but I guess you didn't see it, Roller-Coaster. Could you, by any chance, do it now, please? ^^

22 Tháng 3 2008 18:22

Tổng số bài gửi: 7963
miyabi, could you please write a list of the words you'd like translated individually, such as "moci"?

22 Tháng 3 2008 18:28

Tổng số bài gửi: 7963
I sent a message to trolletje asking her to explain her vote, but now I see that she has voted both "yes" and "no" for this translation - how is that possible?

CC: goncin

22 Tháng 3 2008 18:36

Tổng số bài gửi: 3706
Maybe she was with this page open twice in her browser. That way, she was able to vote twice.

23 Tháng 3 2008 18:43

Tổng số bài gửi: 95
I voted with yes , But my PC had problem. So I restarted my PC. don't know what happened.Sorry.
I did once the same translation but it was refused from dramati. Now i see this is better than mine.

23 Tháng 3 2008 18:46

Tổng số bài gửi: 7963
Thank you, trolletje - I have accepted the translation.