Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
. .

Original text - Danish - Læsere fra forskellige nationer og kulturer

Current statusOriginal text
This text is available in the following languages: DanishFrench

Nhóm chuyên mục Explanations - Society / People / Politics

Læsere fra forskellige nationer og kulturer
Text to be translated
Submitted by Minny
Source language: Danish

Titlen er "Aforismer uden grænser". Sprog forbinder!Denne bog vil inspirere læserne til eftertanke og ...
Remarks about the translation
Her er tale om grænser mellem lande, ikke om andre indskrænkninger.
3 Tháng 3 2009 13:39

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3 Tháng 3 2009 14:23

Tổng số bài gửi: 118
The same request with different titles!

3 Tháng 3 2009 14:45

Tổng số bài gửi: 271
Hallo Francky5591 and Sagittarius,
I am sorry to cause you problems. I did not intend
to submit translation requests in double. I was automatically promted to change the title by the program and did so, but then came a screen stating "error...". So sorry. I tryed my best and in the end I thought that none of the texts had been accepted for translation and gave up.
I see I was mistaken.

3 Tháng 3 2009 14:54

Tổng số bài gửi: 118
Hi Minny! No problem for me, just was informing the admin. Francky will put it in order.

3 Tháng 3 2009 15:25

Tổng số bài gửi: 12396
Thanks for this notification sagittarius.
It's ok, Minny, no problem, do not worry about it