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Translation - Engels-Turks - These findings indicate that ...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: EngelsTurks

Category Sentence - Health / Medecine

These findings indicate that ...
Submitted by atilgan
Source language: Engels

These findings indicate that stress-induced reductions in endogenous agmatine levels in the rat brain may play a permissive role in neuronal pathology induced by repeated restraint stress.
Remarks about the translation

Bu buluşlar gösteriyor ki ...

Translated by mobydick55
Target language: Turks

Bu buluşlar gösteriyor ki farenin beynindeki endojen agmatin seviyelerinde strese bağlı azalmalar, yinelenen stres baskısıyla oluşan nöronal patolojide müsaade edici rol oynayabilir.
Remarks about the translation
agmatin nedir hiç bilmiyorum :)
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur FIGEN KIRCI - 11 November 2008 23:07