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Translation - Engels-Romeens - you look hotter when I'm around

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: EngelsRomeensTurks

you look hotter when I'm around
Submitted by olyushka
Source language: Engels

you look hotter when I'm around
Remarks about the translation
<edit> "i" (9th letter from the Latin alphabet) with "I" (first person singular pronoun in English)</edit>

Arăţi mult mai atrăgător când sunt prin preajmă.

Translated by MÃ¥ddie
Target language: Romeens

Arăţi mult mai atrăgător când sunt prin preajmă.
Remarks about the translation
Edit AziTrad: atrăgător/atrăgătoare
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur azitrad - 11 December 2008 14:15