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Original text - Engels - Come with me on a journey beneath the skin Come...

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This text is available in the following languages: EngelsGrieks

Category Song - Liefde / Vriendskap

Come with me on a journey beneath the skin Come...
Text to be translated
Submitted by markonst
Source language: Engels

Come with me on a journey beneath the skin
Come with me on a journey under the skin
We will look together for the pan within

Swing your hips
Loose your head and let it spin
And we will look together
For the pan within
The stars are alive
And nights like these
Were born to be
Sanctified by you and me.
Lovers, thieves’ fools and pretenders
And all we got to do is surrender
Remarks about the translation
Η μεταφραση που θα ηθελα αφορα στο τραγουδι "the pan within" του συγκροτηματος waterboys. Αυτο που στην ουσια θα ηθελα να μεταφρασω ειναι ο στιχος the pan within απλα σας παρεθεσα ολοκληρωμενο το τραγουδι μηπως και σας βοηθησει. Η μεταφραση που προσπαθησα μονη μου να κανω δεν εβγαζε νοημα. Σας ευχαριστω εκ των προτερων για το χρονο που αφιερωνετε.

Part of the lyrics from "The Pan Within" by Waterboys.
Laaste geredigeer deur Francky5591 - 7 February 2010 18:44

Last messages


3 February 2010 23:03

Number of messages: 12396
Very nice song!

The whole lyrics

(Mike Scott)

come with me
on a journey beneath the skin
come with me
on a journey under the skin
we will look together
for the Pan within

close your eyes
breathe slow we'll begin
close your eyes
breathe slow we'll begin
to look together
for the Pan within

swing your hips
loose your head and let it spin
swing your hips
loose your head and let it spin
and we will look together for the Pan

close your eyes
breathe slow we'll begin
close your eyes
breathe slow we'll begin
to look together
for the Pan within

put your face to my window
breathe a night full of treasure
the wind is delicious
sweet and wild with the promise of
the stars are alive
and nights like these
were born to be
sanctified by you and me
lovers thieves fools and pretenders
and all we gotta do is surrender

come with me on a journey
under the skin
come with me on a journey under the skin
and we will look together
for the Pan within

Source :

3 February 2010 23:07

Number of messages: 4611
Better than nice. Beautiful.

6 February 2010 21:24

Number of messages: 1173
Γεια σου markonst

Το τραγούδι είναι "The Pan within". Αναφέρεται στο θεό Πάνα (που είναι γνωστός για το ταλέντο του στη μουσική, τη σεξουαλικότητα του, τη ροπή του στις απολαύσεις). Μάλλον λοιπόν στο τραγούδι περιγράφεται το κάλεσμα στην αναζήτηση του Πάνα που βρίσκεται εντός τους, είναι ένα κάλεσμα στην αναζήτηση της απενεχοποιημένης απόλαυσης που φέρνει η απελευθέρωση ή κάτι τέτοιο.

Εάν δεν θέλεις πλέον να γίνει η μετάφραση του τραγουδιού μπορείς να αποσύρεις την αίτηση σου και να χρησιμοποιήσεις τους πόντους για τη μετάφραση κάποιου άλλου κειμένου.

25 February 2010 19:35

Number of messages: 1173

I'd like to ask you something. Do you know whether "Pan" refers to "Peter Pan" or to "Pan, the ancient god"? (I'd say to the god but the translator has another opinion and as I'm not sure I thought I should ask someone who knows more about this song )

And one more thing..."And nights like these
Were born to be
Sanctified by you and me .
Lovers, thieves’ fools and pretenders
And all we got to do is surrender". " by you and me . " Is this period in the right place?

CC: Francky5591 gamine

25 February 2010 21:48

Number of messages: 12396
Hello dear!

Well, about "Pan" or "Peter Pan", I really don't know, I'd personaly say Pan the god, as if the author were willing to mean "Peter Pan", he would rather have written the whole name, for everybody to understand whom it was about, and replace "will" by "'ll" and take "the" -before "Pan" off, so that he would have got the same number of feet in the verse.

I'm joking, but I really don't know.

Moreover, I didn't know this group before markonst submitted this text to translation
There are a lot of pleasant songs I discovered here on , and this song is one of those!

Sorry not being able to answer correctly your question, and about the second question you asked, yes, I guess requester hadn't enough points and only submitted parts she understood the less, which is not very correct towards the author(s) of the song...

Lene, maybe could you provide User10 a more valuable answer, if ever you know the song better than I do?

CC: gamine

25 February 2010 23:54

Number of messages: 4611
I'm afraid I can't help much here. I'm almost sure
that it's Pan the God here, but have ever heard this song before now so I'm afraid I won't be able to help user10 neither.

This make me think it' Pan the ancient God:

"Mythology : Pan, god of the woods
Pollychrome's Pantheon : Pan is a god of creativity, music, poetry, sensuality and sexuality, or panic and nightmares, who haunts forests, caverns, ..."

26 February 2010 20:29

Number of messages: 1173
Thank you both so much! I'll give both explanations in the remarks field...