Original text - Engels - local council blocks planning permission due...Current status Original text
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Category Colloquial - Games
| local council blocks planning permission due... | | Source language: Engels
local council blocks planning permission
due to strong local opposition the local council have denied the club planning permission for the proposed ground improvments | Remarks about the translation | ב××™×–×” ×©×”×•× ×ž×©×—×§ ×‘×¡×™×’× ×•×Ÿ ×ž× ×’'ר כתבו לי ×ת ×–×” ×•×¤×¢× ×¨××©×•× ×” ש×× ×™ רו××” משפט ×›×–×” ×שמח ×× ×ª×¢×–×¨×• לי ×œ× ×‘×“×™×•×§ ×”×‘× ×ª×™ למרות ×”×‘× ×ª×™ שהמועצה ×”×ž×§×•×ž×™× ×—×¡×ž×” ×לי ×ת ×”×ª×•×›× ×™×•×ª ש×ושרו ×ו משהו ×›×–×” ×שמח ×× ×ª×ª×¨×’×ž×• לי כמו שצריך |
9 October 2006 12:22