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Danski livet uden svar er min skæbne.
livet uden svar er min skæbne.
det er i mening med at jeg er adobteret og ikke kender mit biologiske ophav og aldrig får svar på det.

Bridge: ''life without answers is my destiny'.

Completed translations
Spanski Mi destino
10Source language10
Francuski Dans ta vie fais confiance à ceux qui peuvent...
Dans ta vie fais confiance à ceux qui peuvent voir trois choses : ta peine derrière ton sourire, l'amour que tu as malgré ta colère et la raison de ton silence
dialecte américain

Completed translations
Engleski In your life trust those who...
Katalonski En la teva vida, fes confiança en quins poden...
Source language
Poljski Oczekiwanie
Rozpalasz we mnie ognisko
Odchodzisz ...
Musi długo dogasać ...
Nie chcę mu pomóc
Nie chcę patrzeć na szary popiół...!
Nie chcę czuć pustki i tęsknoty
Za tym co było i może już nie być więcej

Nie chcę dawać Ci wszystkiego
Żeby wszystkiego nie stracić
Nie chcę mówić Ci wszystkiego
Nie warto ...

ChcÄ™ tego co i Ty-
Twej obecności i bliskości
Twej pamięci
Męskiej pasji
Twego zachwytu ...
Proszę o ładne literackie tłumaczenie na British English.

Completed translations
Engleski Awaiting
Italijanski L'attesa
Francuski En attente
Svedski I väntan
Source language
Finski Usko itseen ja unelmiin. Usko, toivo, rakkaus....
Usko itseen ja unelmiin. Usko, toivo, rakkaus - älä unohdä näitä! Elä naura rakasta! Elä naura rakasta kuvittele.
Pidä huolta itsestäsi!

Completed translations
Spanski Cree en ti y en tus sueños. Fe, ...
Francuski Crois en toi et en tes rêves !
Source language
Engleski Identify Your Distinctive Strengths
List your strengths. Include skills and knowledge you've acquired through experience and education as well as softer intrinsic strengths, such as insightfulness or empathy.
Ask for input. Ask colleagues for honest feedback.
Revisit past feedback. Reread old performance reviews or think back on coaching from previous bosses.
Modify your list. Adjust your original list to reflect what you've learned. Make sure the strengths are specific so that they are credible and useful.

Completed translations
Turski Güçlü yanlarınızı listeleyin ..
Source language
Engleski « I kind of over did it on this one, but it's...
« I kind of over did it on this one, but it's stuff I think and get excited about, participate in, and write about every day ... so here we go...”

Completed translations
Rumunski Am cam exagerat cu acestea, dar sunt chestii la care mă gândesc
Source language
Engleski Civil War of America
Civil war rages in North America as the Conferate States attempt to secede from the Union. The outcome is uncertain, but already this promises to be a new type of war as both sides have access to railroads, telegraphs, and repeating rifles. Meanwhile, in Europe, Great Britain is experimenting with the first iron-hulled steam-driven warship, a combination which promises to revolutionise the war at sea. World wide the industrial revolution is gathering speed as more and more nations start to industrialise. The times they are a-changing.

Completed translations
Turski Amerika'nın İç Savaşı
45Source language
Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje".45
Bugarski Честит рожден ден,сладур!Успех във всичко,с което...
Честит рожден ден,сладур!Успех във всичко,с което се захванеш!Късмет във всичко,което не зависи от теб!И сбъдване на всичко,за което мечтаеш! Преди да легнеш тази вечер,отвори прозореца,почувствай как вятъра те гали,чуй смеха на звездите и приеми целувката,която луната ти праща от мен!

Completed translations
Engleski Happy Birthday
Turski Ä°yi ki doÄŸdun bebeÄŸim
Spanski Feliz cumpleaños
Italijanski buon compleanno
Source language
Latinski Urbem Romam sicuti ego accepi condidere atque...
Urbem Romam sicuti ego accepi condidere atque habuere initio Troiani
Edited by Aneta B.: Urbeam --> Urbem

Completed translations
Rumunski OraÅŸul Roma, aÅŸa cum cred....
Francuski ...
Source language
Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje".
Francuski Etat dossier
Bonjour! Comment vas-tu? J'attends toujours l'argent. Le dossier avance bien, je rencontre le D.G. demain. Fais-moi signe, il faut que je voyage.
D.G. : Directeur Général

Completed translations
Engleski Status dossier
Poljski Postępy w pracach
Source language
Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje".
Engleski Life’s burdens are lighter when I laugh at myself.
Life’s burdens are lighter when I laugh at myself.
Please translate it corretly in Finnish

Completed translations
Finski Elämän kuormat ovat keveämpiä, kun nauran itselleni.
Source language
Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje".
Engleski ConclusionsLittle work has been ...
Little work has been done on the geometric modelling of 3d integrated cellular woven structures. On the premise that the yarn section of the 3d integrated cellular woven structures was racetrack, a geometric model was established. From this geometric model, both the volume fractions of the fiber and the cellular part can be calculated. This work also comprised a uniform foundation for analysing the mechanical behaviour of microstructure composites.
teknik tekstil

Completed translations
Turski Sonuçlar
Source language
Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje".
Rumunski Eram obosită rău aseară, d-aia nu am dat nimic.
Eram obosită rău aseară, d-aia nu am dat nimic.
SMS Text.
<Remark: Female speaking>

Before edit:
Eram obosita rai aseara daia nu am dat nimic.

Completed translations
Engleski I was really tired last night, that's why I didn't give anything.
Portugalski Estava muito cansada...
Nemacki Ich war sehr müde letzte Nacht, deshalb habe ich nicht geanwortet.
Source language
Turski Orada olsaydım sabahları evine gelip seni...
Orada olsaydım sabahları evine gelip seni alırdım,işe ben seni götürürdüm hergün

Completed translations
Engleski I wish I had been there would come your home
Source language
Turski aslıda bir süre seni unutmaya çalıştım. nedenini...
aslıda bir süre seni unutmaya çalıştım. nedenini bilmiyorum ama beceremedim. neyse artık senin beni unutup unutmadığını düşünmekten vazgeçtim ve buna harcadığım zamanı bir gün karşılaştığımızda konuşabilmemiz için ingilizcemi geliştirmeye harcıyorum . umarım beni unutmamışsındır.

Completed translations
Engleski Actually I tried to forget you...
Source language
Turski Kürtçe öğreneceğim, senin ve benim için.
Kürtçe öğreneceğim, senin ve benim için.

Completed translations
Engleski For you and me
Source language
Turski AÅŸk deliliktir. Biz, delinin delisiyiz.
AÅŸk deliliktir. Biz, delinin delisiyiz.
Bu Mevlâna'nın söylemiş olduğu bir sözdür. Lütfen bu sözü ingiliz ingilizcesine çevirir misiniz.

Completed translations
Engleski Love is crazy...
Source language
Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje".
Kineski pojednostavljeni 你好!我是李XX的妈妈, ...

<edit> Before edit : "ni hao!, wo shi li de mama,
xie xie ni gei wo men de 2 ge jing xi:1 shi mei li de hua,2 shi ni hui yong zhong wen xie xin"</edit>

Please see discussion hereunder on this page :

Completed translations
Francuski Bonjour ! Je suis la maman de Li...
Engleski Dear, I am Li's mother.
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