Ai dreptate Freya, dar prin mai multe traduceri dintr-o limba ın alta se mai pierde consensul frazei.
(Telefonul fara fir )
Daca iau ca sursa limba Turca, atunci fraza mea este corecta.
Poate Ä°epurica solicita un bridge.
Tamam mygunes, senin için Romence uzmanına bir bridge vereyim , tabi ki "üstü kalsın" ile "böyle kalsın" aynı anlama gelmez .....................
iepurica, mygunes asks for a bridge to prove that the translation into Italian maynot be correct as it seems Freya voted for wrong according to the Italian translation, here is the bridge:
"If life is this, let the remainder rest/keep the rest"
meaning --> "if life is like this you can keep the rest/I don't want to live the rest of it
in traducere cuvant cu cuvant traducerea dumneavoastra este daca viata e asta ,sa ramana cred ca era mai bine daca scriati asa"SE LA VITA E QUESTA ,CONSERVA IL RESTO(RIMANENZA)