Target language: Engleski
It is described as follows:
M. YYYYY wishes to borrow the amount of ...euros, in view of the purchase of a real property.
M. XXXXX is willing to lend it to him at the following terms.
We hereby agree upon the following:
1.Mr. XXXX lends to M. YYYYY the amount of ... euros
In this regard, Mr. XXXXX
- hands over the amount of ... euros personally.
2. Mr. YYYYY declares to have received this sum and to have given a receipt.
3. The loan is concluded at the following terms :
3.1. Interests
The annual interest rate is fixed at X % a year.
3.2. Payment of the capital.
The capital has to be paid off:
in full at the latest, the ....
at the convenience of Mr. YYYYY in full or in instalments
Issued at WWWWW, the
In duplicate, each party acknowledges to have received his copy.
Read and approved Read and approved
Signature M. XXXX Signature M. YYYYY