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Source language
Dutch Liefde delen
Begrijp in die liefde,
Die ik met jou wil delen,
Niet zomaar een liefde,
Maar liefde voor het leven.


Completed translations
English Sharing love
Swedish Att dela kärlek
Croatian Podijeliti ljubav
Albanian Ta ndash dashurinë
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
French Une faille abrupte s'ouvrit devant ...
Une faille abrupte s'ouvrit devant lui

Completed translations
Romanian O falie abruptă se deschise în faţa sa
Source language
English I missed the moment.
I missed the moment.

Completed translations
Bulgarian Пропуснах момента.
Source language
English But did not get up.
But did not get up.

Completed translations
Bulgarian Но не стана/х.
Source language
Swedish Religion är till för dom som är rädda för att...
Religion är till för dom som är rädda för att hamna i helvetet.
Andlighet är för dom som redan varit där.

Completed translations
English Religion is for those who are afraid of....
Source language
English Sometimes a person goes from this world without...
Sometimes a person goes from this world without being able to fulfill dreams,but it is better to live with unfulfilled dreams,than with no dreams at all.

Completed translations
Bulgarian Понякога човек си отива от този свят
Source language
Italian Se ti guardi intorno e vedi solo il buio io sarò...
Se ti guardi intorno e vedi solo il buio, io sarò la tua luce che verrà a salvarti.
Se nel cuore trovi solo desolazione, io sarò la speranza che verrà a proteggerti.
Se hai voglia di chiudere gli occhi per non vedere la solitudine in te, aprili... vedrai me!

Completed translations
Finnish Jos katsot sisimpääsi ja näet pelkkää pimeyttä, tulen...
11Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.11
Turkish Belki de yüzüme düşen her kar tanesi sana beni...
Belki de yüzüne düşen her kar tanesi sana beni hatırlatır.
Ve aşkım seni bana getirir.
Bilirsin, hiçbir şey imkansız değildir.
Ve ben yine,
her kar tanesinde seni hatırlayıp, bana bakışını tekrar göreceğimi ümit ediyorum.

Completed translations
English Each snowflake
Finnish Kenties jokainen lumihiutale
Albanian Çdo fjollë bore
Source language
English The client is an OFFICE TENANT.
The client is an OFFICE TENANT.
Meaning they rent the offices they occupy.

Could you please keep the capital letters, Thanks :)

Completed translations
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Forte é aquele que acredita.
Forte é aquele que acredita.

Completed translations
Latin Valens est qui credit.
Source language
Portuguese brazilian "Ser feliz sempre""Viva cada dia ...
"Ser feliz sempre"
"Viva cada dia como se fosse o último"
"Eu amo minha família"
São frases que gostaria de escolher para poder tatuar.

Completed translations
English "Be always happy" "Live each day as ...
French "Être toujours heureux" "Vivre chaque jour
Latin "Felix semper es"
Arabic "كن دائما سعداء"
Italian "Essere sempre felici" "Viva ogni giorno...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
German Kernaussage
Setzen sie sich kritisch mit den Kernasussagen auseinander!

Completed translations
Turkish anafikir
Source language
Turkish sana çok şey sordum aşkım canını sıkıyorsam...
sana çok şey sordum aşkım canını sıkıyorsam lütfen söyle

Completed translations
English I asked you lots of things...
Source language
Polish Cześć wujek! Dzisiaj są Twoje urodziny.. Życzę...
Cześć wujek!

Dzisiaj sÄ… Twoje urodziny..
Życzę Ci wszystkiego najlepszego, dużo szczęścia, jak najmniej trosk i problemów, dużo miłości od żony i pociechy od dzieci..
Cieszę się bardzo,że już niedługo się zobaczymy

Completed translations
English Hi uncle! Today is your birthday...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Turkish Mantıklı sebep aramak yerine, durumun mantıklı...
Mantıklı sebep aramak yerine, durumun mantıklı olup olmadığını düşünmek en mantıklısı.
It's a thought about to take a decisions of future.

Completed translations
English Instead of seeking a logical reason...
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