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Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Polish Lato spendzilem na wsi pomagalem dziadkom...
Lato spędziłem na wsi, pomagałem dziadkom, bawiłem się w różne zabawy. Odwiedziłem Morze Bałtyckie. Pogoda była ciepła i woda też. Przyjechawszy znad morza, pozostałe dni spędziłem w domu. Chodziłem na podwórko, grałem na komputerze, czytałem. Lato bardzo mi się podobało.

Completed translations
English Summer
Source language
Portuguese brazilian S., você não entende o quanto te amo.
S., você não entende o quanto te amo.
Female name abbreviated <goncin />.

Para tradução do Hebraico, o destinatário é mulher.
Holandês: língua falada nos Países Baixos (Holanda)
Francês da França.

Completed translations
French S., tu ne comprends pas combien je t'aime.
Dutch S., je begrijpt niet hoeveel ik van je hou.
Hebrew ס., את לא מבינה כמה אני אוהב אותך.
Persian language س.، تو نمی‌فهمی چقدر دوستت دارم
Source language
Arabic اقتراح الى وزارة التربيه والتعليم بزيادة عدد...
اقتراح الى وزارة التربيه والتعليم بزيادة عدد المعلمين في قطاع التربيه الأبتدائيه


Completed translations
Hebrew הצעה למשרד החינוך להגדלת מספרי...
Source language
Danish Jeg så dét.

Jeg så dét,
som jeg ville se.

Jeg så ikke,
hvordan det var.

For hvis jeg havde set det,
havde jeg måttet erkende,
hvor dum jeg var.

Hvem vil det?
Britisk engelsk og fransk fra Frankrig

Completed translations
French Je l'ai vu.
English I saw it
Source language
English As the vessel would be on board on 1st, Sep, I...
As the vessel would be on board on 1st, Sep, I will sent out all the document in Next Tuesday or wednesday .
Also Pls sent me the bank copy once you have it so that I can check here in time.

Completed translations
Turkish Gemi 1 Eylül'de
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Italian mi sa che sei andata a letto. In ogni caso...
mi sa che sei andata a letto. In ogni caso grazie, ma anche tu sei speciale. E anche se il messaggio lo leggerai domani, ti auguro lo stesso la buonanotte e tanti sogni certo,mi farebbe piacere.Te lo avevo già detto anche ad Antalia. Questo week-end sai dove vado? A Venezia, a trovare mia sorella. Se verrai, ci si potrebbe anche fare un salto. Da qui dista solo 3 ore di macchina

Completed translations
Turkish Bana öyle geliyor ki ...
19Source language19
Italian Cara Ceren oggi sono rientrato a lavoro ma non...
Cara Ceren

oggi sono rientrato a lavoro ma non riesco a pensare ad altro che ai nostri giorni trascorsi insieme nella magnifica Selimiye.
Sono davvero felice di averti incontrato.
Sei la persona più affascinante e intensa che io abbia mai conosciuto.
Avrei voglia di averti oggi qui accanto a me e poterti riempire di attenzioni.
Mi manchi da morire.

Ti amo

Completed translations
Turkish Sevgili Ceren.........
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Russian чТоо эсЛии тЫ заВтра нЕ поЛюьиш ?! ...
чТоо эсЛии тЫ заВтра нЕ поЛюьиш

Completed translations
English What if you don't come to love tomorrow?
Turkish Ya yarın aşka gelmezsen?
Source language
French Et si tu n'existais pas
Dis-moi pourquoi j'existerais
Pour traîner dans un monde sans toi
Sans espoir et sans regret
J'essaierais d'inventer l'amour
Comme un peintre qui voit sous ses doigts
Naître les couleurs du jour
Et qui n'en revient pas
Des passantes endormies dans mes bras
Que je n'aimerais jamais
Je ne serais qu'un point de plus
Dans ce monde qui vient et qui va
Je me sentirais perdu
J'aurais besoin be toi
Mais je ne serais pas vrai
Je crois que je l'aurais trouvé
Le secret de la vie, le pourquoi
Simplement pour te créer
Et pour te regarder

Completed translations
Polish A gdybyś nie istniała
Turkish Ya olmasaydın
Source language
German .l Liebe Fr. Yilmaz. ich möchte mich zuerst für...

Liebe Fr. Yilmaz.
ich möchte mich zuerst für die verspatete Antwort entschuldigen. Die Stoffwechselabteilung hat ein bischen Zeit gebraucht und dann war ich im Urlaub.
Ich habe Ihnen unten die Originalmail unseres Stoffwechseloberarztes angehangt.

Completed translations
Turkish Sevgili Yılmaz Hn.,...
Source language
Swedish Tack för skjutsen!
Tack för skjutsen!

Completed translations
German Danke für das Mitfahren!
Source language
Swedish jag ska åka till min skola.
jag ska åka till min skola.

Completed translations
German Ich soll zu meiner Schule fahren.
Source language
English I think that you are ...
I think that you are brazilian....can you show me more about this good place to live and culture..??? and where do you come from?

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Eu acho
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