Cucumis - Free online translation service
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Source language
English You've asked for a translation
You've asked for a translation from "%a" to "%b".
%a and %b must be kept unchanged, they are names of languages

Completed translations
Romanian AÅ£i cerut o traducere
Arabic لقد سألت عن الترجمة
Dutch U hebt om een vertaling gevraagd
Portuguese brazilian Você solicitou uma tradução.
Greek Έχετε ζητήσει μετάφραση
Japanese あなたは翻訳を依頼しました。
Bulgarian Вие помолихте за превод
Portuguese Solicitou uma tradução
Spanish Has pedido una traducción
Catalan Has demanat una traducció
German Sie haben um eine Ãœbersetzung gebeten.
Italian hai chiesto una traduzione
Hebrew בקשת חרגום מ-"a%" ל-"b%".
Swedish Du efterfrågade en översättning
Chinese simplified 你已经申请了一个翻译要求
Turkish çeviri
Serbian Trazili ste prevod
Vietnamese Ban da goi mot yeu cau dich thuat.
English You've asked for a translation
Albanian Ju keni kërkuar një përkthim
Lithuanian Prašoma jūsų vertimo
Chinese 您提出了翻譯的要求
Polish Poprosiliscie o tlumaczenie
Danish Der er bedt om en oversættelse fra "%a" til "%b".
Russian вы просили перевести
Esperanto Vi petis unu tradukaĵon
Finnish Olet pyytänyt käännöksen
Czech Byli jste požádáni o překlad
Croatian Trazili ste prevod
Hungarian Kérjük, hogy fordítson "%a"rol "%b"ra
Norwegian Du har spurt om en oversettelse
Estonian Oled esitanud tõlkesoovi
Korean 번역을 요청 하셨습니다.
Hindi आप अनुवाद के लिए पूछा हैं
Slovak Požadoval si preklad z % do %.
Persian language شما درباره یک ترجمه جدید سوال نموده بودید
Kurdish de wergerek xwest
Afrikaans U het vir 'n vertaling gevra
Irish Tá aistriúchán uait ó "%a" go "%b".
Thai คุณถูกร้องขอให้แปลงาน
Nepali तपाईं ले अनुवाद को लागि सोध्नु भएको छ ।
Slovenian Zaprosili ste za prevod
Urdu آپ نے ایک ترجمہ دریافت کیا ہے
Source language
Latin e pluribus unum
e pluribus unum

Completed translations
French de plusieurs, un
Portuguese De muitos, um
German aus vielen Eins
Swedish en utav flera
Source language
Italian Ma cosa c'entra??
Ma cosa c'entra??
Voglio una traduzione da una persona che sa bene l'italiano, non voglio una traduzione letterale inutile, che alla fine verrà rifiutata. Grazie

Completed translations
French Mais qu'est-ce que cela a à voir?
Source language
Portuguese brazilian O Beach Water Polo está diretamente associado ao...
O Beach Water Polo está diretamente associado ao meio ambiente. Sendo praticado em mares, rios, lagos e piscinas, essa nova modalidade tem tudo para atrair um público ligado a questões ecológicas.

Além disso, o esporte pode ser usado como ferramenta de educação ambiental e de difusão de uma consciência ecológica.

Completed translations
French Le "Beach Water Polo"
Source language
French Le vieux soupira puis tendit sa longue main vers...
Gildas se redressa, bomba le torse, défit le premier bouton de sa jaque, desserra son foulard et attendit que la jeune fille se fût assise de nouveau devant lui, de l'autre côté de la table.
- je peux vous dire, commença-t-il, la complainte iscariote, celle de Geneviève de Brabant ou la véridique histoire à Ravenne.
- Quoi? N'as-tu rien d'un peu nouveau?
- Je ne peux vous chanter Gaston de Foix qui mourut à Ravenne
- Je la connais, hélas! Et je l'aimais trop, vois-tu, ce sacré Gaston, pour ne pas pleurer comme si c'était hier.
Texte de Jacques Perret, "arrangement pour le Théorbe", Objets perdus (1949), Gallimard, p50-51
Quelques difficultés pour traduire le "vous"(vouvoiement, tutoiement collectif), certaines tournures.
Merci de votre aide

Completed translations
Spanish El viejo suspiró, luego tendió su larga mano hacia...
Source language
Latin X favore è x domani e nn la capisco
Apud Cannas, parvum pagum in palatine prope Aufidum flumen, Hannibal, exercitus Carthaginiensis dux admodum rei militaris peritus, contra Romanorum exercitum magnam atque cruentam pugnam commisit. Cornu dexterum exercitus Romani et cornu laevum Carthaginiensium apud flumen erant. Pugnae exitus incertus diu fui, sed demum Hannibal Romanorum rimam fraude comparavit. Inter primas acies in prelio cecidit etiam.

Completed translations
French Hannibal à cannes
Italian Annibale a Canne
Source language
Turkish tanrı öldü
tanrı öldü

Completed translations
French le dieu est mort
Source language
Dutch Op deze foto zie je een wedstrijd van...
Op deze foto zie je een wedstrijd van ''endurance''. De bedoeling bij endurance is dat je zo snel mogelijk een route aflegd. De afstanden kunnen van 25 tot wel 120 kilometer zijn. De zwaarste wedstrijd is in de Verenigde Staten. Deze heet ''de Tevis Cup''.

Completed translations
French Sur cette photo vous pouvez voir un concours...
English In this picture you can see an endurance ride ...
Source language
Field of real and complex numbers. Metric spaces.
Sequences (convergent sequences, sequences of real and
complex numbers, complete metric spaces). Functions
(limits; continuity; uniform continuity). Real functions
of one variable (limits, continuity, uniform continuity,
differential calculus and application; indefinite integral;
definite integral and application; improper integral).

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian ANÁLISE MATEMÁTICA
Source language
Portuguese brazilian meu nome é Matheus Gois e adoro um PS2.
meu nome é Matheus Gois e adoro um PS2.
só quero que traduzam por favor.

Completed translations
Serbian Zovem se Matheus Gois i imam PS2.
Source language
Portuguese brazilian olá, meu nome é Matheus Gois Ribeiro, tenho um...
olá, meu nome é Matheus Gois Ribeiro, tenho um PlayStation 2, e queria conheçer muito a Sérvia, dizem que é muito bonito.

Completed translations
Serbian Zdravo, moje ime je Matheus Gois Ribeiro, imam...
Source language
Italian Lettera di accompagnamento
Gentile Signore spero di aver tradotto correttamente. Vorrei che lei gentilmente mi inviasse il pacco attraverso un servizio che possa essere tracciato attraverso il vostro sito delle Poste Nazionale ( abbia un numero seriale per poter controllare l'intero viaggio sino all'Europa e quindi all'Italia. Spero di essere stato chiaro. Grazie ancora , aspetto vostre buone notizie. Cordiali saluti Andrea Marcandalli

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Carta de acompanhamento
Source language
Hebrew achshav at medaberet ivritcol hazman?
achshav at medaberet ivritcol hazman?
עכשיו את מדברת עיברית כול הזמן ?

Completed translations
English Now do you speak fluent Hebrew?
Portuguese brazilian Agora você fala hebreu fluente?
Source language
Greek είσαι πολύ ωραία.
είσαι πολύ ωραία.

Completed translations
French tu es très belle
Maķedoniski ти си многу убава.
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