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Translation - English-Serbian - Horoscop

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Category Thoughts - Love / Friendship

Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Submitted by dmaky
Source language: English

At times you may have conflicting styles in love, so that you are physically attracted to a partner who does not suit you emotionally, but you are not sexually excited by someone whom you get along easily with.

To resolve this dilemma, you can take one of two approaches: either learn to get along with someone you desire, or learn to desire someone you get along with.

In time, you will learn to even out your tastes and find a lover who is satisfactory in all respects.


Translated by maki_sindja
Target language: Serbian

Povremeno možete imati suprotstavljene stilove u ljubavi, tako da Vas fizički privlači partner koji Vam emotivno ne odgovara, ali Vas neko sa kim se lepo slazete ne privlači seksualno.

Da biste rešili ovu dilemu, možete uraditi jednu od sledeće dve stvari: ili naučite da se slažete sa nekim koga želite, ili naučite da želite nekoga sa kim se lepo slažete.

Tokom toga, naučićete da izjednačite Vaše ukuse i da pronađete ljubavnika koji je odgovarajući u svakom pogledu.
Validated by Cinderella - 9 May 2008 00:10

Last messages


8 May 2008 16:03

Number of messages: 249
Very good, you are just so inconsistant with š,č, etc..Maybe if you fixed that the translation coud be called 'perfect.' Good job!

9 May 2008 23:47

Number of messages: 1206
Hvala ti puno, Lakil!
Nisam imala pristup internetu ovih dana pa sam ovaj prevod uradila sa kompjutera na mom fakultetu. A tamo sam imala problem da pronađem na tastaturi slovo Ž.
Veliki pozdrav!