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Оригінальний текст - Англійська - Yesterday me and X talked the whole night about...

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Категорія Щоденне життя - Кохання / Дружба

Для цього перекладу вимагається лише загальний зміст.
Yesterday me and X talked the whole night about...
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Публікацію зроблено z_79
Мова оригіналу: Англійська

Yesterday me and X talked the whole night about my trip to X and I have made up my mind! I will stay with X and of course I can’t have 2 relationships! It’s not fair to X or you

I would like to spend time with you, but as a friend – a good friend! But it cant be as the last time. I know that I confuse u a lot and I understand if you don’t want to see me but if you do – please understand that we can’t be more than friends

I feel the needs to explain this to you before I arrive, so you don’t have any false expectations!
6 Липня 2009 11:11