Cucumis - Сервіс безкоштовного перекладу онлайн
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Переклад - Англійська-Фінська - I work with sound and music, but also with...

Поточний статусПереклад
Цей текст можна переглянути такими мовами: Англійська
Запитані переклади: Фінська

Категорія Нариси - Мистецтво / Творення / Уява

I work with sound and music, but also with...
Публікацію зроблено Xini
Мова оригіналу: Англійська

I work with sound and music, but also with site-specific sound installations, with wearables, with listening experiences. I like to experiment with found materials and spaces, inventing new artifacts devoted to particular listening modes, new tools to understand and listen to the environments in which we dwell.

Through a site-specific approach, I aim at embedding my intervention within the space, integrating the act of listening (even tactile listening, which means that one listens with one’s body) in the landscape or environment, thus creating listening spots which let us experience spaces from a different perspective.

My works often try to create a hybrid between the natural element, the artificial design or the architectural object and the musical instrument. This practice opens up the path for a reflection about the nature of our living environment, the use we make of it and the architectural planning of the landscape
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20 Лютого 2017 11:30